View Full Version : not sure what wrong if anything

16-03-06, 20:32

for the last 5 month i had problem with my lower back and lower stomach and my bowls...

i had an ultra sound done when it first started and there could not find anything..... they done blood to 3month ago and it all came back fine apart from em having pile...[:I]l sorry ew ew.. anyway i feel so bloated all the time my bowl all over the place.....but my lower back is really doing my heading i got like knots every were on my back...and my stomach just feel soo full and get some pain...

does anyone who what symtoms you will get with having cyst ?

also i just worry that i got bowl cancer or something they done a stool test but i dont knwo if tehy would be able to pick that up ?

grrr fed upfelling like this

always loved never fotgotten..

17-03-06, 12:29
it kinda sounds like ibs to me!!Try this site they are helpful in this type of problemhttp://ibsgroup.org/groupee/forums?cdra=Y&s=500107

Silly Blonde
22-03-06, 11:39
You sound like me!!!!

I have had lower back pain and stomach ache amd bloating, and a real mix of diarrhoea and constipation - which seemed to be worse when I was ovulating.

I asked my GP (who didn't seem concerned at all and put it down to IBS) for a pelvic ultrasound and it was fine - so no gynae problems.

My reflexologist told me at the weekend that I had a touch of sciatica (which would explain the lower back pain).

I still worry constantly that it is something serioud, but I have been suffering with health anxiety for well over a year now, and I'm still alive!!

23-03-06, 00:09

Sounds like IBS to me but then again i am not medically qualified to know that. Get it checked out hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 01:19
I had those exact symptoms as well. My dr. told me that it was a stomach ulcer, and told me to avoid spicy foods, and gave me protonix, which is a medication for people with acid reflux i believe. It went away within 2 weeks.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."