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View Full Version : Having a bad day

17-11-10, 20:24
Hi all ,been a while since my last post on here.

I've been having problems at work to do with what firm to work for and letting the other one down.This has been going on since Monday and my sleep has been affected even though I take 45mg of mirt. It came to ahead today when I chose the one firm and let the other one down face to face(Which wasn't as bad as I thought)
Anyhow today has been horrible with neg thoughts and anxiety entering my head all day,feel as if I'm going back to my early days.
Does everyone still have a bad day now and then? I've been on the mirtz for nearly 3 months now and things have been going great untill this week.
Suppose I'm just looking for some reassurance.:blush:

Regards Gary

17-11-10, 20:37
Hi Gary

Dont worry you are not the only one, I have been having a good couple of weeks, well better then I was at the beginning of my meds but today I have just felt awful, low, depressed and basically feel like I am back to square 1 before i started taking my meds. I am hoping today is just a blip and I am sure it is for you as well. I guess we will all have our bad days but hopefully it is just today for us! We both should keep positive that tomorrow and we will both feel better!!

Rach xx :noangel:

17-11-10, 20:44
Thx Rach,

Hopefully a good nights sleep should do the trick :winks:

A little niggle for me is that my dpression came to ahead through lying awake all night while on holiday in France,I just couldn't sleep. Now every night my head hits the pillow and I automatically think'how am i going to fall asleep tonight' even though I do every night I always get anxious pre-bedtime :shrug:

17-11-10, 20:46
I have been like that since being on the meds. I have always been able to sleep ok but since taking them I just cannot sleep. And every night I feel like that. How/when/will I be able to get to sleep tonight? How many times I change positions, put the TV on/off.. Radio on/off, very frustrating, but eventually I do fall asleep! :)

You are right, hopefully a good nights sleep for both of us will do the trick and hopefully tomorrow we will both feel better x

17-11-10, 20:48
Hi Gaz I have just posted about struggling on 45mg mirtazapine. I'm not a fairy Godmother so no answers there I'm afraid. All I know is that depression can leave you feeling very low one day and then up the next. The important thing is to track your moods and if there are more downs than up then chat to your GP. I don't think that the mirt has stopped working. Take care. EJ

17-11-10, 20:53
My hypnotherapist has told me to use a 'shutting down' technique before going off to sleep. This could be a hypnosis cd or a relaxation cd. That way you are consciously shutting down your brain in preparation for sleep. I have had dire sleep problems and sleep related problems. Anxiety makes the problem worse ie can't sleep, won't be able to sleep, tired the next day, wont be able to perform at work worry worry worry. Somehow you have to break that cycle. EJ.

17-11-10, 21:00
Cheers Elizabeth,I'll take a look :winks:

18-11-10, 20:13
Had a better day today,although still getting neg thoughts in my head which I'm learning to counter with positive thoughts.I'm wondering if my CBT with my therapist is messing my thoughts up in a good way,where I'll come out better on the other side.Has this happened to any one else?

Regards Gary

18-11-10, 21:27
Hi Gary I have had CBT in the past too. My experience of CBT was that we discussed issues within the 'class' and then various 'tasks' were set for homework. It might be good for you to have some chill out time after these sessions so that you can get your head in order. CBT wasn't fantastically successful for me though. Other people on the forum have had great success with it though.

18-11-10, 21:54
Hi Gaz, I'm currently reading a book which involves CBT, as a bit of a refresher, having had one-to-to CBT some years ago. I've had to have a couple of breaks from it as I've found certain things upsetting. However, I made a major mistake at work last week (something which would normally upset me a lot) and found I managed quite well to talk myself out of it being a big deal.

So yes, while it can be hard at the time to try to deal with and get past things, it can be of benefit in the long run IMO x

19-11-10, 20:33
Had a 10 minute chat with my therapist today,he said that at the moment I'm hyper sensitive,so the trouble I had at the start of the week with work,was like pouring petrol on the fire of anxiety/depression :blush: or another way as he put it,was to put another ball in the mix with the ones I'm already juggling and my mind can't cope.He also said that with CBT its one small step at a time and not to expect an overnight recovery.
I agree with everything he said,its just hard to be knocked back when I've had such a good run :wacko:

Still ,Onwards and Upwards.
