View Full Version : can this be cervical cancer

18-11-10, 07:53
hi,im new here and would like some advice
i had a smear test 3 years ago and the results were normal,if i did have signs of cervical cancer now,would the early signs have shown in my last smear test? i am asking this because im 30 years old,in good health apart from suffering from IBS,do not smoke and i have 4 children (by the same man) the youngest has just turned a year old and i am not on the pill.my periods are always regular and i bleed for 5 days and then again after 4 weeks but my last period ended 12 days ago and yesterday i started bleeding again,it started off brownish but is now bright red and feels like a normal period and i have minor cramping too and im just as heavy as i would be on a normal period.back in july a few days after my period i,everytime i wiped myself after going to the loo there was brown discharge and that lasted just 1 day and there was no blood so this is the 1st time i have experienced this problem.i saw my gp yesterday and they did a pregnancy test which was negative nut it showed i had small amounts of protein in my urine so my gp gave me a internal which was rather tender but she said she couldnt feel anything and she also pressed on my stomach but again couldnt feel anything wrong and she said it was probably some kind of infection and prescribed co-amoxiclav and metronidazole and told me to come back if it dont help or if it happens again.my next smear test is not due til june next year and im very worried about cervical cancer,do you think my gp was right or should i go back for a 2nd opinion or am i just panicking as its the 1st time this has happened? any advice would be great.many thanks
ps sorry for the long message

18-11-10, 08:52
Hi Helen

As far as I'm aware, in the huge majority of cases of cervical cancer, they take years to develop (I think sometimes as much as 10 years). This is why the screening programme has proved to be so effective, as if we all turn up for our tests on time, cases would be picked up when they are at the pre-cancerous stage and therefore very easy to treat.

18-11-10, 09:22
Hi Helen

I had been as regular as clockwork for 23 years - every 28 days etc. After having my 3rd child in 2007, everything changed. I sudden;y started spotting mid-cycle which the doctors said was ovulation. Then I gradually began bleeding more mid-cycle and then at other times too. I also had PMT for about 3 weeks out of 4!!!

I too have always had clear smears. In fact my last one was in April 2007 when all this started and was fine. I also had blood tests, urine tests, pelvic examinations, pelvic ultrasound etc and they were all fine. Eventually, I was put on the pill. The first pill was a nightmare and just made it worse but the next one, Yasmin has been fine. I have been on it for a year and now I have regular, light periods with no mid-cycle problems (apart from in the Summer when I forgot to take it a few times!!). Basically, I had a hormone inbalance which is very common in your 30s especially after having children.

If you are worried, I would go back to the doctors and say that you want to see another doctor or be referred to a gyaecologist. I hope you are feeling better soon.

18-11-10, 12:04
I have no personal experience of this but one of my friends did and like Jo said it was a hormone imbalance.

I would too would go back to the docs for reassurance

Take care


18-11-10, 13:50
Hi Helen,

I've read recently that bleeding between periods can be caused by the pill, especially if you have just started on a new one.

I have just had something similar to what you've described. Over the last 2 days I've had a bit of watery blood and some brown discharge but I'm half way through my cycle! I've had this a couple of times in the past and the Doctor told me that it's just something that can happen occassionally but if it continues it's best to get it checked out. I'm not on the pill and my last smear was clear but I'm due for another one.

I bet loads of women have this!

Moonlight xxx