View Full Version : worried about cervical cancer

18-11-10, 07:56
hi,im new here and would like some advice
i had a smear test 3 years ago and the results were normal,if i did have signs of cervical cancer now,would the early signs have shown in my last smear test? i am asking this because im 30 years old,in good health apart from suffering from IBS,do not smoke and i have 4 children (by the same man) the youngest has just turned a year old and i am not on the pill.my periods are always regular and i bleed for 5 days and then again after 4 weeks but my last period ended 12 days ago and yesterday i started bleeding again,it started off brownish but is now bright red and feels like a normal period and i have minor cramping too and im just as heavy as i would be on a normal period.back in july a few days after my period i,everytime i wiped myself after going to the loo there was brown discharge and that lasted just 1 day and there was no blood so this is the 1st time i have experienced this problem.i saw my gp yesterday and they did a pregnancy test which was negative nut it showed i had small amounts of protein in my urine so my gp gave me a internal which was rather tender but she said she couldnt feel anything and she also pressed on my stomach but again couldnt feel anything wrong and she said it was probably some kind of infection and prescribed co-amoxiclav and metronidazole and told me to come back if it dont help or if it happens again.my next smear test is not due til june next year and im very worried about cervical cancer,do you think my gp was right or should i go back for a 2nd opinion or am i just panicking as its the 1st time this has happened? any advice would be great.many thanks
ps sorry for the long message

18-11-10, 08:46
Hi Helen, I'm sure you're feeling very anxious. I know, I've been there too! You need to trust your doctor. She would definitely have ordered further tests if she suspected cervical cancer. You're worried because you've always had regular periods and this is something out of the ordinary. Lots of women have irregular bleeds and it's almost always nothing to worry about. Have you been very anxious lately - I mean before this unexpected period. It happened to me when I was stressed - and I always thought the worst too!
If you still feel very uneasy about it, I suggest you ask for a test as this will then put your mind at rest.

23-11-10, 10:47
hi i totally understand were you are coming from i was really worried a few months ago and still am i suppose but my doctor explained to me that cervical cancer isnt formed overnight and from your cells being abnormal can take around 10 to 15 years to change into cancer and even abnormal cells can go back to normal not all abnormal cells develop into cancer so as long as you keep up your regular smears which you have then i really wouldnt worry hun,if you have got an infection down below then that would explain the pain and bleeding also i dont think you are supposed to get pain with what you are worried about
i know it is easy for me to sit here n say but i would honestly say dont worry as your last test was normal so it wont be that hunni
take care have your antibiotics and you should soon settle back into your pattern but try not to worry else that will make you irregular
oh the joys of being a woman lol xx

Kells xx
23-11-10, 21:19
Hi hun.

I dont think your doctor suspsects cervical cancer, and it is highly unlikely considering your clear smear 3 years ago.

I definitely think in the vast vast majority of cases it takes years and years for cancer to develop (if this wasnt the case, smear tests would not be every three years they would be every year or so)

I have had personal experience in this area as i was treated for abnormal pre-cancerous cells 2 years ago now... and i've lived to tell the tale.

If it will put your mind at rest, you are certainly within your rights to request an early smear test im sure.. if your symptoms do not clear up, which im sure they will !