View Full Version : Heart question

18-11-10, 08:20
I was sat in the car earlier and had a palpitation. I took my pulse and it was all over the place. One minute it was slow the next it sped up for a few beats and then went normal.

Is this 'normal'?

18-11-10, 08:50
Hi dodo

It sounds to me as though you had an adrenaline surge whilst you were taking your pulse. If I remember rightly from what my GP has told me, when you have palpitations or ectopics, your heart will try to adjust itself back to a resting pulse rate, which can mean it will speed up and slow down briefly.

18-11-10, 08:53
it was only for a minute!! so your ok, I get them all time, some times they can last for hours :-( It can be scary, but you do get used to them,
it's really nothing to worry about.
if you start to get them more often your doc will probably do the routine ECG test.
also be careful about not smoking too much, or drinking too much coffee or alcohol

18-11-10, 08:57
Feeling a bit panicky today as I have started my period and the first few days are like hell. Hope it is normal, I presume so as my echo was normal but it doesn't stop me worrying as I feel so weak today and lightheaded presumibly through the loss of blood etc.

I'm trying to ignore but it's hard.

Thing is the palpitations are still producing wind or the other way round.

Feel so crap today and don't want to be at work especially feeling like this.

18-11-10, 09:04
I've always found that palpitations are worse around the time of my period, either just before or during it. When I didn't take the pill it was one of the ways I used to know that it was due!

18-11-10, 09:09
yeah PMS makes mine worse, also I notice that when ever i am in pain I get heart palps.

sometimes they leave me feeling breathless so i try to distract myself.

aw DODO are you at work right now?

I get the feeling weak and achy and lightheaded sometimes too. I always drink fizzy drinks because I kinda think my blood sugar might be low and the drink will stop me from fainting!

18-11-10, 09:20
Yes I am hiding at my desk lol. Feeling pretty pants thoughmy pulse is pretty regular again now. Feel so tired I could go to sleep. Not a happy bunny today.

18-11-10, 09:46
how many hours of work do you have left?
hope your not feeling too anxious :-(

18-11-10, 09:47
I started to come on last night, my heart was goin mental when I was tryna sleep. Loadsa palpitations so only ended up wiv bout 5 hours sleep cuz now I've got rele bad period pains!!! Omg whyyyy does this have to happen every month i hate it ;(

I'm not a happy bunny eitherrrr ;( x

18-11-10, 10:03
6 hours left :(

18-11-10, 10:04
Would be nice if we got a couple of days off every month! If k knew when mine were going to start I'd be inclined to book time off to be honest!

18-11-10, 10:19
Me too if I had a job lol ;(

Didn't even realise I was comin on til last night! Atleast I know why I was feeling so awful this past week now. Wish I didn't get period pains though theyre makin me feel rele sick. x

18-11-10, 17:34
Well unfortunately I had a huge panic attack this afternoon. I assume that is what it was, missed beats every few seconds, lightheadedness, felt like I wax going to loose conciouceness or something. Horrible, just horrible.

Feeling a bit better now and hoping that's the end of it for this month, but somehow I doubt it.

18-11-10, 22:50
That happend to me earlier in the cinema was horrible cuz couldn't do anything but sit there feeling my heart go mental and about 10 rushes of adrenaline one after the other cuz I didn't want to cause a scene lol. Think it's just cuz of periods to be honest cuz I havn't had a bad panic like that in ages. First proper day of a period is always the worst in my opinion! You'll probs be feeling a bit better tomorrow and it will greatly improve as the week goes on. Just don't dwell on what happend when you start to feel better just think it's over now and try to forget all about it. Don't forget to smileeee too! :D xx