View Full Version : so fed up!

18-11-10, 08:37
i have had a really bad week with depression and anxiety :weep: and this morning is no different to any other! i have tried for the last month so much to be positive, by making myself go out and do things i normaly would avoid! feel ok when im doing it, but when i get home the same gloomy feeling comes over me again, the same i get as soon as i open my eyes! even tho i have my husband and daughters, i feel so lonely and scared most days, i am losing the will to live!
my neck, head and shoulders are so tense this morning, thats another thing to worry about. oh well dont know why im posting this as no one ever seems to reply to me on here!
time to face the day i guess, bye for now! take care everyone x

misty rainbow
18-11-10, 09:19
oh joexgee i completely understand how u feel, i been feeling much the same keeping busy and trying not to think to much bout how i feel but it is so hard ! but stay strong we just have to change the way we think as thats half the battle but we can beat it!! x x x

18-11-10, 09:20
I'm not really sure what to say....... I get depressed too sometimes, I do notice than when I'm depressed I am much more emotionally sensitive and i tend to assume the worst.
I find it hard to enjoy life sometimes because anxiety sucks the fun of of everything.
I dislike mornings too, I wake up anxious normally or just depressed and wonder whats the point in getting up.

are you on any meds? or in therapy?

18-11-10, 09:34
oh joexgee i completely understand how u feel, i been feeling much the same keeping busy and trying not to think to much bout how i feel but it is so hard ! but stay strong we just have to change the way we think as thats half the battle but we can beat it!! x x x

thanks for replying misty, yes it is really hard right now, it takes over everything and i dont seem to beable to focus on anything else.
i am trying my best tho and will continue to do so :hugs: take care xx

18-11-10, 09:37
I'm not really sure what to say....... I get depressed too sometimes, I do notice than when I'm depressed I am much more emotionally sensitive and i tend to assume the worst.
I find it hard to enjoy life sometimes because anxiety sucks the fun of of everything.
I dislike mornings too, I wake up anxious normally or just depressed and wonder whats the point in getting up.

are you on any meds? or in therapy?

hi thanks for reply, yes i find it hard to get up and think theres no point, but i do get up and try so i guess thats good!
i am currently waiting for the fear fighter cbt course, i am getting assessed on monday so hopefully wont be too long of a wait.
take care xx

18-11-10, 10:15
I have pmd u honey , chin up xxx