View Full Version : Loads of stuff. Reassurence again guys

18-11-10, 08:45
So i've been having the following symptoms for the last 2 days:

Dizzyness, faint-feelin, tingling/numb feeling randomly left side of face, temple and wierd head pain (top of head, left side). These symptoms seem to come more when i lay down. Also, if I switch my position, tilt myhead way back when in bed I dont feel the top of the head leftside wierd sensation.

Could this be from tension, nerves etc or the nervous system? Since I suffered all my life from anxiety.

As you all know, these things can keep you up all night. Night time panic, oh how I missed you.... not!

Running scared and falling apart again.

Note: I've had panicanxiety since the age of 5 (31 today). Also have social phobia, agora phobia, PTSD, G.A.D and IPS (aka Borderline).

18-11-10, 08:48
I've had all these symptoms. They were worst when I was a student and very stressed because my mother was ill. I also had hardly any sleep when I was feeling like this, which seemed to make it a lot worse for me.

paula lynne
18-11-10, 09:29
Hi I get most of these symptoms everyday, and its worrying going to bed feeling like that because you concentrate on it more. Have you tried self-hlp books/cds/breathing techniques/relaxation techniques? I use lavender and it helps alot. It doesnt stop the feelings, but calms me down enough to stop worrying so much.
Hope you feel better soon x

18-11-10, 09:35
yeah i try the techniques, breathing that is. I just wait for it to let me go so I fall asleep. Now its 10:31 here and I was just doing some chores around the apartment and its still present. I can understand that this comes from the neck and such. But does anyone have an explanation for it? That would help alot. The most present symptom is the random pain at the left side of the top of the head. Along with pain in neck when i move it around.

18-11-10, 10:31
The pain is probably from muscle tension. Although we often don't realise it, our whole bodies tense up when we are anxious, which can cause pains all over the body.

18-11-10, 10:45
Thank you blueangel

18-11-10, 13:01
I used to see a neurosurgeon because I have collapsed disc and bad arthritis in my neck and I could write a book of symptoms from this!

One thing he did say is that anything that tenses the neck muscles be it from the damage I have to pure anxiety can give same symptoms - so I get pain in face and temple and strange crawling sensations up my head etc or feel as if I am wearing a very very tight hat across top of my head the list really is endless or I feel very unbalanced/ dizzy or have bad attacks of vertigo the cause is all from my neck - my neck muscles don't know they are tense from the damage like yours don't know they are tense from anxiety but the effect is exactly same symptoms.

I also get weird sensation when I go to bed like I am falling without moving or tingling rush from head to feet and again it could be from my neck position.

Try getting your neck to relax and see if it helps at all - hot wheat bags - massage anything that will relax the muscles,

18-11-10, 14:34
Thanks countrygirl.

i will try what you suggested