View Full Version : hi every one

carla g
18-11-10, 11:54
hi everyone i just wanted to ask a quick question, if you have had depression first and anxiety follows it can this go as your depression does or do you hafto work on both? i think my depression made me get anxiety as i had left it for so long not noing i wos going threw this my doc told me as my anxiety go,s so will my depression did he get this the wrong way?x

18-11-10, 12:05
You can work on one and it will have an impact on the other. For instance if you're depressed and feeling negative this will lead your thoughts to believe you won't be able to do anything without being anxious. If you improve your depression and your thoughts are more positive then you'll start to think "hey I can do this, and I won't be anxious".
Even a little improvement in one, will improve the other problem. :)

carla g
18-11-10, 12:07
have you found anything that helps you at all iv been reall ill since geting depression/anxiety and havent really tried anything to help my self im on a anti d but iv done no self help at all x

18-11-10, 13:15
Hi again. The main thing that has helped me to get past this is to do 1 positive thing a day. It can be as simple as washing your hair or as difficult as going on a plane. It can be something you enjoy like watching a movie or it can be something you've been putting off like paying the bills. It's up to you how hard you push, just make sure it's doable. Don't set any goals that are unrealistic in your current situation.
I set up a twitter account to log the positive thing I do each day. Or you could get a diary and write it in. Just make sure you do something each day and then you can look back and think to yourself how well you did.
It doesn't matter if you spend 23hours 55 minutes being miserable, you need to remember those 5 minutes where you were positive.
As the days progress you'll start looking for positive things to do and your thoughts will stop being so negative.
It takes baby steps, but it will start to improve.

carla g
18-11-10, 13:31
im hopein it will as i feel so fed up with it all just want to be abel to get back to myself and enjoy being with my kids again x

18-11-10, 13:54
You will :) It just takes a small shift in the way you think and you can start to enjoy life again.

carla g
18-11-10, 16:32
are you takeing any meds? and can we all get better from this or can it take over and stay x

18-11-10, 17:42
I am taking meds. I'm currently on Mirtazapine and Seroxat. Both are anti depressants.
If you let it, then yes it can stay. If you have a will to get better then you will. It's up to you on how far you push it really.

carla g
19-11-10, 14:03
hi hun im 2 on a anti d im trying to keep my mind on the fact that i will get better and i need to for my kids but some days i just think wots the point in trying, i ignore how i feel and get on with the day as i would of b4 but underneath i feel like cracking up lol. how are the tabs ment to make u feel im on the 3rd week now and feeling more or less the same x

19-11-10, 14:29
I had (well have still) anxiety and then depression. One of my psychiatrist said that my depression was a "satellite" depression, so its own aim was just to go around my anxiety like the moon goes around the earth.


carla g
19-11-10, 14:31
hi crisis this will probley sound stupid but what do u mean will it just circle around you as long as you have anxiety?x

19-11-10, 14:42
sorry if I was not clear. I think, in my case, that the depression was a by-product of the anxiety. So, in my case, mostly I have to treat anxiety to let the depression go.

Your question was not stupid at all


carla g
19-11-10, 14:47
get you now lol, i wos told i have depression/anxiety but i never thought i wos depressed at the time but when i look back i see that i wos and the pattern of it i dont no how to start to help my depression as i dont no what has caused it? i did suffer with postnatal depression a few years back, i wonder if this could of come back as i had another child 8 months ago and i wos k untill getting pregnant with her x

19-11-10, 15:03
Did you talked to a doctor about it? To the best of my knowledge it can really be Post Natal Depression again but now before thinking the cause we should think to get better


carla g
19-11-10, 15:13
no iv not really said a whole lot to him as he isent the best doc around when i first got ill i thought all sorts were going on n i had some illness that they were missing anyway i askd him if he could do some test and he said its all your anxiety and if you come in hear moaning again then i will just ignore it as i can only help you with so many things, so this kind of pushd me away from him and since then iv been ceing a lot of diffrent docs just so i dont haf2 c him.and can we really get better without working at the problem firstx

19-11-10, 16:20
Oh Carla, this is not good.
Have do you feel at the moment?


carla g
19-11-10, 20:28
im feeling down and ill im full of a cold so this is adding to it all, i feel as if no1 is takeing me seriouse and trys to push me out the docs as fast as they can, im thinking of changing them x

19-11-10, 21:37
Hi Carla, it can take up to 6 weeks to start getting the benefits of AD's. Keep going, you will hopefully notice the benefits soon

carla g
19-11-10, 21:39
i hope so the last 4 months have been hell just want to live my life carefree like every1 else does, i hate seeing every1 geting on with life and me feeling the way i do x

carla g
26-11-10, 13:18
my god i hate my partner i feel as if i carnt get better while being around him x