View Full Version : Burning sensation in left arm, help :(

18-11-10, 12:11
Hi, I just had a really bad burning sensation in my left arm. Literally it was BOILING hot. It scared me so much I had a panic attack.

Can this be anxiety? It felt so real..

19-11-10, 01:51
hi i get this burning sensation that starts in the stomach and moves into the chest and down the arms. went to the doc about it and he said it was an adernaline rush and nothing to worry about. try not to worry hard i know but just another anxiety symptom. hope this helps.
love debera

19-11-10, 01:56
I get itbin my ears for no reason. They get red a burn.

19-11-10, 07:22
Hi Raver,

I get this and not only in my left arm I can get it anywhere chest, legs, face and arms its horrid isn't it but harmless. I went to my doc because I actually felt like I was on fire she said its the blood moving so fast around my body due to an adrenaline rush, still scares me when it happens but I just think what the doc told me. It is real hun just because you suffer from anxiety doesn't mean your symptoms aren't real there just harmless. Xxxx

19-11-10, 07:53
I get in my left hand, no joke, it burns up, sweats, turns red!

has to be anxiety as only happens when I am nervous.

anxiety can cause real but harmless symptoms . hope your ok after that panic attack

19-11-10, 08:37
Thank you all :)

I was getting scared for a bit there lol

19-11-10, 09:26
I also get the burning in my face too which feels horrible n my face goes red!
glad to hear you ok :-)