View Full Version : Fibro or All In My Head?

16-03-06, 21:34
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago which is an auto immune related disorder. You are in extreme pain all of the time. Since I also have anxiety, the pain from this disorder increases the anxiety or visa versa. Some doctors do not believe this is a real disorder that it is "all in the patient's head." It is coming to light; however, that it might be a virus causing this problem. I wondered if anyone else has been diagnosed with this and if it caused problems with their anxiety and day to day functions with life.


16-03-06, 21:45

There are some other posts about this as well. Use the search facility at the top of the screen and just enter that as a key serach word and you will find them. If April is around she may answer as well.


Sheik N Shimmy
16-03-06, 21:51
Hi Bel,

I've been told that my Thyroid enlargement could be related to the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I've had sharp pain in one or two of my ribs for the last few days. I think it something called costrochondritis, which is related to Fibromyalgia, which my mother suffered from. It flares up now and then - especially in cold weather. I was convinced that I had lung cancer which made me very anxious and depressed. However, I had a CT scan in January which was clear.

My left elbow joint is usually sore also.

I'm waiting on a proper diagnosis, if that is possible, but I think it requires a rheumatologist.

Apart from the anxiety and depression related to thinking it is something more serious I only suffer from morning stiffness (ooer!). I usually feel better by the time I get to work. The main problem seems to be all other parts of the auto-immune package combined - IBS, RA, costro, fibro, Reynauds etc.

I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you as I'm only finding out what is wrong with me of late. Lets's just say you are not alone and thank heavens it is not something more serious.

I find that a couple of glasses of wine helps in the ecening but that could be contributing to the damned disorder ! Hic!


Keep On Keepin On

16-03-06, 22:00
Sheik N Shimmy

How odd, I have thyroid disease, arthritis and IBS too! I was diagnosed with thyroid disease roughly 10 years ago. The other stuff has slowly come along throughout the years. Anxiety has been with me since childhood. I never met anybody who had everything I did, how nice to know I'm not alone. I'm on so much medication I don't drink except for a glass of wine a month or so, if that. I agree mornings are the worst and evenings are bad too from the stress of the day, my neck and shoulders just kill me. I had to quit work 3 yrs ago and will never go back. Hope things work out better for you.


16-03-06, 22:02

Thank you so much for the help, it is nice to know that you aren't alone with all these symptoms.


Sheik N Shimmy
16-03-06, 22:11
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sheik N Shimmy

How odd, I have thyroid disease, arthritis and IBS too! I was diagnosed with thyroid disease roughly 10 years ago. The other stuff has slowly come along throughout the years. Anxiety has been with me since childhood. <div align="right">Originally posted by Beluga - 16 March 2006 : 22:00:53</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Looking back, I have been suffering from anxiety attacks for several years - before the RA/Thyroid problems emerged. I think that if you are pre-disposed to auto-immune diseases stress and other factors can contribute to its onset - they did for me.

In my case I've two very young kids and a mortgage so I haven't got the option of giving up work. However, I do find it diffficult at times to concentrate on my work the way I used to. I pray that I will get to my pensionable age for my family's sake !


Keep On Keepin On

16-03-06, 22:53
Sheik N Shimmy

I had to work when my children were young too. They are now 20 and 13. I know what you are going through! I also know how difficult concentration can be, it is part of the problem. I have had friends with RA and can only imagine what you must be going through. I have had every test you can imagine throughout the years (I'm now 48) and have made peace with the thyroid thing. It just goes up and down all the time, I have absolutely no control over it and believe me it can cause anxiety and mood swings like crazy. What has bothered me the most though is the doctor's who have looked me square in the face and said that the fibro was "all in my head" basically saying I'm crazy and the pain isn't really there. It was like a male doctor telling me a VBAC (vag birth after c-section) was a piece of cake, like how many has he had? lol

Had to have another c-sec, just my luck!


Sheik N Shimmy
16-03-06, 23:15
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sheik N Shimmy

I had What has bothered me the most though is the doctor's who have looked me square in the face and said that the fibro was "all in my head" basically saying I'm crazy and the pain isn't really there. It was like a male doctor telling me a VBAC (vag birth after c-section) was a piece of cake, like how many has he had? lol

<div align="right">Originally posted by Beluga - 16 March 2006 : 22:53:11</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I hope you'll forgive me for not identifying with the VBAC thingy LOL!

I'm 37. My kids are 5 and 1 years old. Neither of them are good sleepers. I've ended up with two 'black' eyes from lack of deep sleep.

My GP prescribed Xanax for me on the basis that I would take up Yoga to get over my anxiety. I never used the prescription as I know it won't help - and I haven't taken up yoga.

I don't think many GPs recognise Fibro/Costro very easily. Or perhaps our symptoms are too vague when we approach them.


Keep On Keepin On

17-03-06, 06:59
Hi Beluga and Sheik,

I too was told I had fibro about 5 months ago, after suffering aches and pains all over the top half of my body, particuluarly my neck and shoulders. Like you said B, the evenings seem to be the worst, the stresses and strains of the day build up, and before I know it, my shoulders are agony! I find ibuprofen worse than useless, paracetomol seems to hit the pain best. I have been taking loads of supplements on the advice of my osteopath which are starting to help.

I have a daughter of 4 who has never slept through the night, so I too never get into a deep sleep, a factor which I know is crucial in fibro.

My father in law has RA, I dread becoming like him as I get older, he suffers terribly and is in and out of hospital all the time. I am only 34, it feels too early to be hobbling around crippled up!

I know April Tones will see this too and respond, she is another fibro bod on here!

Nice to meet you!

17-03-06, 16:42
hi rossgirl,

Sorry of your troubles. I have to take sleep aid to sleep thru night. Might be a problem with a 4 yr old though. I have tried everything for the pain even a procedure through a pain specialist of injections into the muscles in my neck and shoulders. Worked at the time but extremely painful. Didn't know it but they were injecting steriods in me. Prednisone. Doctor called it by another name. My muscles would actually crack when needle went in. Massages make me sicker, they don't help. I find heat helps me, I love heating pads. I do have along pad from homedics (hope they have that in your country) that heats up the whole body you can lay on it. Good luck, hope you don't get RA, I only have OA. I don't think it is as bad. Take care.


april tones
20-03-06, 11:54
hi have sent belugo pm xx


20-03-06, 13:51
april tones,

thx so much for creating such a great site, I joined immediately.


Sheik N Shimmy
20-03-06, 13:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">april tones,

thx so much for creating such a great site, I joined immediately.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Beluga - 20 March 2006 : 13:51:12</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Any chance of the link?



Keep On Keepin On

april tones
20-03-06, 14:36
yes its http://apriltones.proboards54.com

i know it be ok to put it on here as it will help others and i have also put link on it for no more panic!
its good as not many people with fibro! xxx


april tones
20-03-06, 14:46
glad u like it! hope i can help people and chat about our fibro x
