View Full Version : feel weird after sleep

18-11-10, 17:38
hi guys
can anyone tell me if they feel kinda weird after they fell woke up after a Knapp. sometimes i feel freezing today it was like everything around felt unreal scared me a bit to be honest .

18-11-10, 17:42
for got to say i take no meds

18-11-10, 17:48
Hi, yes I do, but it depends on whether I dozed off accidentally when reading or fell asleep on purpose on the sofa for a nap. So when I wake it's like a bit of a 'shock' as it was an accidental 'nap'. - disorientated , shivery etc. If I have a 'nap' on purpose I always wake up feeling rubbish. Just one of them things for me. Nothing to worry about. If you are having a nap make sure you've got a blanket or something covering you.

18-11-10, 17:58
cheers mate at least someone else gets it. its a horrible feeling think i will try to knock it on the head Nealy gave me a panic attack

18-11-10, 18:31
oh god this is why i NEVER napp in the day!! i always wake up shaking and cold, most of the time really dazed and takes a while to get back "with it" its absolutly awful and really scares me! id rather get an early night than have a napp! its hard to do when u have 3 kids to sort out,and find time time to sit and chill with my hubby! lol :)

18-11-10, 20:28
thanks for all ur replys guys im knocking afternoon nap on the head

21-11-10, 14:54
Yeah, I experience that too. When I wake up, I feel really anxious an shaky. I find it hard to sleep at night sometimes, so resisting the urge to nap is really hard!!