View Full Version : Been a long time... new worries - Help!

18-11-10, 19:22
Hey everyone...

I haven't been in the boards for quite sometime - and in all honesty, I have been doing very well with my health anxiety. However, things reared their ugly heads this past week... and I need some help/advice.

One month ago I contracted the stomach flu... I haven't been that ill since I was a child. I ran a low fever, vomiting, and general "blah" feeling for 24 hours or so.

Well, all got better... and then, earlier this week, I developed a cold - sore throat, cough, etc. No fever, just a cold...

You would think these two things would be minor in the whole scheme of things... but I am worried like crazy. I worry about all things "immune system" related and all I can think is that my immune system is failing because of HIV or something like it... I find myself unable to function and just waiting on each new "symptom" to appear. I worry about anything and everything terminal... and frankly I always look for the worst possible scenerio... so my "symptom serching" returns and I wait and wait for the next "new" symptom to appear.

I have lived with a HA my entire life... however recently, my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world. My focus has been elsewhere and I began to think these thoughts were going to stay away... and then this happened.

Do any of you get colds/sick frequently? If so, how do you simply say "people get colds!" and move on?

Thanks for your help,

PS - I know these may seem very "minor" in comparison to other concerns... but they don't feel minor when in the mind of someone with HA. Thanks for any help you can provide.

18-11-10, 20:10
Hi Adam. Firstly, congrats on becoming a dad. I'm not going to be much help as I don't suffer from HA but can only say there are times when my life seems to be a constant round of colds and flu and whatnot, particularly when winter sets in. Are you finding life as a new parent a bit stressful? Lots of people do. If you're not then that's great and I apologise for suggesting it but I tend to think we tend to pick up more things when we're stressed or anxious, and I also think in can trigger things like HA.

Hope you feel better soon.

18-11-10, 20:23
Hiya Adam

It's that blummin time of the year again I'm afraid. I say that because I only ever seem to get colds and sniffles from September onwards. Saying that I get bad hayfever in the summer months so most colds (if I get them) tend to just blend in with that so I don't really notice them.

It used to be a big joke amongst all us parents at school as we always knew that come September all our kids would be off ever few weeks with 'germs' and we'd all catch them too..... all down to the change in weather, time of year and of course windows shut, heating turned up etc etc.

I always find that taking vitamin C and zinc really helps keep the sniffles at bay or at least gets rid of them pretty quicky if you catch them. Redoxon do an effervescent tablet that you pop in water and it disolves into a fizzy drink and they also do the slow release capsules which as it says release slowly over the course of the day.

Another suggestion is hot lemonade with a spoonfull of honey and whisky (only one spoonfull of the latter though:winks::D)

Congratulations on your new addition to your family.

Sleepless nights, nappies, wind, and unconditional love and smiles...... brings back some very happy memories to me although it was hard going at times.
Enjoy every single minute with your little one as they grow up sooooo fast. My 'little one' has just started college EEK (he's got the same name as you by the way:winks:) :hugs:

Take care Adam x x

19-11-10, 14:50
Hi Adam

There's no easy answer I'm afraid. Please dont think that your worries are "minor" as I am exactly the same. I am currently worrying about my teeth aching slightly and actually deleted my last post as I read it back and thought it was so trivial compared to what others are dealing with.

Congrats on your new baby, by the way. Having a new baby in the house can be stressful and scary, it certainly was for me and my health anxiety shot up after our first baby was born. I worried about everything and still do although my axiety comes in cyles where I will be great for a while and then awful for a while. Just try and get through the bad times and enjoy the good times when they arrive.

Just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this and hope I dont sound too stupid.

19-11-10, 15:09
Hi Adam

Congratulations! I can say one thing for sure - since I've had children of my own, I've had every bug going! I can get cold after cold that just seem to blend into one almighty long cold. When this happens, it always triggers my HA for the same reasons you said - worrying about my immunity & thinking what if its something more sinister. I've always got better eventually though. :yesyes:

20-11-10, 01:13
Just to add, I'm trying selenium to see if it will help stop me getting things like colds, not been on it long yet tho.