View Full Version : Anxiety attacks

18-11-10, 19:38
For the past 10 months I've had Anxiety but for the first few months I did not know what a debilitating condition it is, I've been in Hospital for tests had an echo and numerous ecgs plus 48 hour Heart monitor. Even though I was given the all clear cardiac wise I still can't get out of my head all the symptoms I've been getting.

I've been getting tension pains in my jaw, Pressure and tenderness in my chest and arms with the odd Panic attack in the mix too.

Dose the sound familiar?. I feels sometimes I'm in a daze and nearly ready to pass out (but never have), Tiredness, insomnia, nightmares, headaches and sometimes get symptoms all day (constantly).

I've been referred to a psychiatric nurse for assessment by my doctor and then hopefully CBT.

Am I going crazy?.

18-11-10, 19:43
You aren't going crazy hun. You have been cleared by the cardiologist so I think it is anxiety and I think seeing the nurse for assessment will be good for you. Hope you get the help you need xx

18-11-10, 20:01
Thanks Sammi, Sometimes I get doubts as to the health of my heart and the sensations I get are so frightening especially as they sometimes last all day.

18-11-10, 20:04
Deffo not going crazy. Your symptoms mimic the ones ive had the last 11 months when i first started having anxiety/panic attacks. These are classic anxiety symptoms and nothing more hun. Dont worry, try to think positive that ur getting assessed and hopefully the right treatment for you soon. Medication may be helpful for the symptoms and to lessen ur panic. We all have a tolerance level, some peoples are higher than others when it comes to the amount of stress one can take, its horrible that anxiety can be so debilitating, and it really is a true illness, its not made up like some poeple believe (like we bring upon ourselves LOL).

Try and do some relaxation with some calm music on, and make sure u have a good diet. Both are really important, especialy to an anxiety sufferer.

Take care, stay positive and keep ur chin up :) x

18-11-10, 20:05
I know how you feel hun my anxiety is based around my heart too. I find it really hard to believe its anxiety and not my heart but the cardiologist give me the all clear so I'm tryin to believe its anxiety but its so hard x

18-11-10, 21:58
I know exactly how you feel. My anxiety is 99.9% about my heart. I've had all the tests like you but still can't let the symptoms go. Trust me though as hard as it is to believe it IS anxiety.

I get all sorts of symptoms, tight throat, sore chest, missed bets, dizzy, lightheaded, short of breath, feeling like I'm gonna pass out, you name it I've probably had it. Rest assured that the cardiologist has given you the all clear, your heart is healthy. Try and focus on treating your anxiety, try your best to put atributing your symptoms to your heart a side. It's not your heart. And you're certainly not alone. :) x

18-11-10, 22:43
Thanks for your kind replies, It gives me great strength especially as there is a community out there to give me the support that many people around me just don't understand whats happening. I have some freinds that understand though.

18-11-10, 22:50
Definatly just anxiety! I saw a psychiatric nurse for CBT and it worked for me. Takes a while to get ur head round it then one day it just clicks. Good luck x