View Full Version : Seeing mental health team tomorrow--MIND

16-03-06, 22:05
Before i go in to my news--- does anyone know much about blood pressure ... mine seems to vary at times from being high to being low... im confused a bit...

My blood pressure is 149 sys/ 59dia

I was told this is ok... but i thought the dia 59 was too low, this is the part that tells you your heart whilst its resting yeah, well if took it at around 4.30pm in the doctors surgery- and it was 59 ... what would it be when im asleep , surley thats too low????

My Day Tomorrow
Hiya all- First step tomorrow going to see someone at mind(mental health team) i need help, and i cant carry on like this, because i do belive that if i dont have anything medically wrong- i have been on the edge of having a nervous breakdown... accomanied by post trumtic stress----really i do...i went through a very bad time last year, horrific time actually..and i think this is a result from it...i just cant belive what i have been through... the pain and heartache of the way i have felt ... its been unreal... i have found i can be hypo one min...and then extremley depressed the next... and whn i am hypo i know what is coming soi try to calm myself... ive been so bad, and i just want to cry ... i cant belive the heartache i have been going through ... the fear... the fear...
i so need a cuddle with someone, nothink sexual... (well maybe hehehe) but just someone to hold me and tell me its ok while i cry, ami sad or what...
anyway my appointment is in the morning let you know how i get on--- oh i have been given anti-depressants i was on some years ago for about 5 years actually, but they change them all the time dont they... anyway these ones are called citalopram 20mg-any one got any knowledge on them, i know i have to take some formof medication to help me to get better... as i am mentally ill...( if its that) and i just want to know a little info on it, i do know that we are all different when it comes to drugs of course.

anyway folk will let you know of my progress tomorrow

loves ya

ashxxx--- the nuttest one on here... i reakon

16-03-06, 22:11
Hi Ashley,

Regarding the bp, I wouldn't worry about the 59 it's not drastically low. I think normally it would be between 60 and 90 but many people have it slightly below 60 at times (59 is near enough anyway) and that's fine and still healthy. It won't drop dangerously low at night. Mine can be 56 or lower at this time of night.
The 149 is slightly high, shouldn't be above 140 but don't worry about it as anxiety can make that figure high, I've had mine much higher at the doctors in the past but at home my bp is fine.

Good luck for tomorrow,


16-03-06, 22:13
Yeah but if its 59...wont it be even lower whilst sleeping...im freaking about this... it was bliming 85 the other day ... and now its 59...


16-03-06, 22:17
feel like smashing my head against the f****g wall people i really do, i just so cant wait to see the mental health team tomorrow...hopefully they wont lock me up though, i hate the way i think constantly ... negitive ...im obsessed with health and its doing my head in badley x

ash x

16-03-06, 22:19
Hi Ash,

It may go lower when you're asleep, I worried about this once and Meg explained it very well to me. All our body systems slow down when we're in deep sleep, our bp drops so yes it may go a little bit lower than 59 but it won't hurt you, this happens to everyone.
Bp can vary alot too and will depend on how active you've been before taking it and anxiety levels etc.
I borrowed a bp machine from the doctors and one minute my bp was 120/80, a few minutes later it was only 100/65. Bp really can vary.
Many people have a bp lower than 59, I did my hubbys' bp one evening and his was 48 and he is fine.
Really there is nothing to worry about with sleeping and bp. Hopefully Meg may come along and explain this better than I can.

They won't lock you up tomorrow, you have anxiety, you're not mad.

Take care,

Lisa x

16-03-06, 22:19
hi asley
i realy hope you get to sort stuff out tomorow i have been reading your posts and you sound like you have had it bad over the last couple of days.

jodie xx

16-03-06, 23:09
yes jodie you could say that, this time round i have been in bits ... pure hell...

thanx for ya encouragement.

ash x

16-03-06, 23:12
lisa than for the info mate, it all helps... even if i only listen to it for five mins.
Its crazy isnt it,and i will say this ...one thing i havenoticed about myself this time round , is that people can say the most reasurring things to me and i will be feeling coolfor a little while and then an hour later im off again.


plus they cant spell lol(im laughing for once)

its true, no offence to yo all.

love ashley x

16-03-06, 23:15
just dont know what else to do, i change every hour ... it used to be how each day was for me...once...now its by hours and im tired and im weak... and i feel like im a time bome , waiting to go on..

ive never felt so scared..
ive had this constant throb in my head i get it every so often , especailly when just when i get up from sitting,and thats got nothink to do with me getting up to quickley...coz i dont- it makes me lightheaded and i cant hear properley, ive had this since last year with a buzzing noise in my head...nothink to do with my anxiety .... the doctor said glue ear...
he said i could have gromits in,( i dont think it is that) but wondered if it was needed at my age... but this does bother me badley and sometimes my hearing is crap... the buzzing is so much worse now... mega... but im now thinking that this could be why im so bad like this... maybe i have a defect in my brain..or a tuma...well its rather strange come on-it would all add.

oh im sorry here i go again x

16-03-06, 23:39
Hi Ash,

I've had weird things in my head when I stand up too, my gp said it was glue ear, then I saw an ear nose and throat guy who said I don't have glue ear. I do have fluid in my ears due to allergies though sometimes.
Anxiety can do this too and so can tight neck muscles to some extent.

I know health anxiety is awful and can make us worry so much.

I'm off to bed now, take care and hope you get some sleep.

Lisa x

16-03-06, 23:40

This 149/ 59 is totally fine.

The diastolic can be as low as 35-40 . It is the resting measurement and a touch lower than the norm is far better than too high. A touch lower will not harm you at all.

Try these for more information

Blood pressure
High Blood Pressure caused by P.a's (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3033)
Low Blood Pressure (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4021)
High blood pressure (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4145)
Blood Pressure Wrist Monitor (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3023)
Blood pressure (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5808)
Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4218)
Went To The Dr For A Follow Up (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6426)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

16-03-06, 23:48
Hi Ash

Best of luck and i will be thinking of you.

Let us know how it goes hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

17-03-06, 00:00
Hi Ash,

I just wanna wish you all the best for tomorrow.

I know what you mean by the comfort of others messages only lasting a short while. I've been there too.

Eventually, the message will sink in, but it takes a long time.

Keep convincing yourself.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-03-06, 00:40
yes will let you guys know what happens tomorrow, and thanx for being so caring... i love ya all...cheers meg and ray too- i wish you was all in my house right now... i know i have my kids and i love them so mcuh...with every inch of my nutty heart, but i am on my own... no adult company and its scary when ya like this ... wish i wasnt here on my won,in such a state.. i want my mum shes ill, every thing around me is fallin apart..

i must go, hope i dont die in my sleep... yes what an awful thing to say... i want my kids to have thier mum for along while yet.

ash x

thanx tahnx and thanx ---love lotes...