View Full Version : freakin out cos of breathin worry

18-11-10, 20:29
its me again guys still worried bout my breathin its got to a point where im breathless when walkin now dont know if im doin it or its my lungs that has a problem does anyone else get this feelins of beein out of breath all time even when doin anything

18-11-10, 22:59
Cuz you're so focused on your breathing it's highly likely you over breathe. It feels like you can't breathe but it's really cuz you have more than enough oxygen and your body's trying to slow you down itself which is really scary. Happend to me a lot when I first got my anxiety, still does now occasionally but I forceablly slow myself down now. When you start feeling breathless try to take slow breaths at first and then big slow ones when your body starts to let in more oxygen.

Breathings a natural thing, you should try to stop focusing on it as much and it will become a background thing like it used to be before you started to worry about it. xx

18-11-10, 23:12
Just read your other post too and firstly congratulations! :D

Never been pregnant myself but nearly all my friends have and yep, they've been very breathless throughout. If it's winding you up (which will lead to more breathing problems) could you pop to see your GP? Just ask if everythings ok and if it's normal for you to feel breathless at this stage? It will put your mind at rest a lot. xx