View Full Version : Feeling out of my body!!

18-11-10, 20:36
Does anyone else get this when panicky. I feel like I'm not in my body it's like I'm drunk, my mind feels like spacey and not alert :-( x

19-11-10, 03:57
yep...got the worse panic attack and know exactly what you are talking about at the doctors office last time I was there.

paula lynne
19-11-10, 05:17
Hi Hayley, this is common with anxiety, a lot of people dont feel right/feel themselves at certain times. This can happen with stress too. Try not to worry over it too much, it feels strange, but cant hurt you hunny ok x

20-11-10, 01:17
yep, used to get it all the time, it's harmless.

a long time ago I read that it happens when you brain just refuses to worry anymore and kind of takes a few minutes even hours off to just relax. It comes back once your stress goes away and you're done worrying :D it's actually a self help/protection that your brain turns on automatically.

20-11-10, 18:02
I have it. Not always just when I'm having a panic attack. Sometimes I feel that way during the day, and it can make me feel panicky. I just keep trying to tell myself that it's just my brain being tired from the stress and try to distract myself.

20-11-10, 18:12
h26 this is depersonalisation or derealisation and is common with anxiety. Take a look at some of the other threads there are loads here. Jabz is totally right.

26-11-10, 13:18
i get it every day! found it really scary at first its like your bodys numb and your not in it..it sounds crazy but alot of people suffer from it, just got to try and get over it xx

26-11-10, 14:05
i get this like most the day everyday its horrible =[ just try get on with your daily day to day things i know its hard as im struggling with it atm myself but just say im not gonna get this beat me and then get up and do somethink =]

29-11-10, 17:55
i get this too, thought i was the only one, it feels horrible cuz i do and say things i sometimes regret x

30-11-10, 04:13
I remember once at my worst with anxiety doing the washing up and thinking 'whose are these hands'! Weird I know but I felt so detached from myself - I knew it was me but I felt so spaced out. Horrid but like everyone has said perfectly normal with anxiety. I have learned to ride it out - easier said than done though xx

30-11-10, 21:32
The feeling of detachment or estrangement from ones body during a panic attack or even before an attack is quite normal. I get this a bit, sometimes for hours. My vision seems to be blurry on the periphery and I would imagine this has something to do with a sort of fight or flight response my body is going into. It's very normal though and when I focus on other things it really doesn't bother me at all. One thing that helps is just accepting it and letting it be. I've had panic for 17 years now - since the 8th grade - and despite my fears it has not once hurt me or caused me to go insane. Good luck.