View Full Version : to check or not to check????

18-11-10, 20:42
I have been battling with my fears of having breast cancer and for the last six months have avoided touching and at times even looking at my breasts. I been back and forth to the Dr's to get them to check my boobs and last week I even had a referral to a breast consultant and you guessed it nothing in all of my visits has ever shown up. So today I thought I'm going to check my boobs - not ask my Mum or my sister, partner or even pester the GP I am going to do this and get over this once and for all. But you low and behold I did the check and I think i felt something - I've convinced myself there is a lump and I've gone back and checked numerous times but I wish I hadn't as I cannot reassure myself.

I suppose I just wanted reassurance that nothing nasty could have changed in a week as I saw the breast consultant last week and he didn't find any lumps - I just wish I was over this it's the worse feeling in the world being frightened of touching your own body :weep:

Vanilla Sky
19-11-10, 11:03
You will drive yourself mad with the constant checking . You have been to doctor , you have seen a consultant , All is clear . Keep saying that over and over hun > You will know that hormones cause changes too so be aware of that and if you do feel anything different , give it a few weeks to go back to normal. Just check once a month after your period . The only thing that is likely to change in a week is hormones and you anxiety lol !
Try to resist the urge to do the constant checking , decide once a month what day your going to do it and stick to it . Wont be easy to begin with but you will gradually get there , all the worrying is not going to change anything and it will just make you more anxious .
Good luck

love Paige x

19-11-10, 12:11

You replied to my post about my boob, seems we have the same fear:hugs:

Now this is ridiculous coming from me as I am going to give you advice that I can't take on board myself!:wacko:

As you saw the consultant last week, and everything was fine than rest assured you are ok. If you can feel something it is obviously NORMAL for you and you need to become familair with it, what you are looking for is changes, so anything that stands out as different from the last time you checked.

I wish I could take my own advice - here i am telling you this and I cannot take this advice myself:lac:

My consultant said that some people have one boob lumpier than the other as many of us ahve one breast bigger than the other so the lumps become more amplified.

I hope I have managed to help you a little as you really did give me some good advice when I posted about mine which I am clearly still really panicking about:mad:

Oh to be a woman!

Loads of Love
