View Full Version : speaking to my doctor?

18-11-10, 21:38
I've never discussed anxiety with my doctor. She knows I have anxiety, she said she'd read some of my notes but she's never gone into things in detail, just mentioned it off-hand a couple of times . I'm getting CBT and have spoken to her twice since and she didn't mention it either time - I'm not sure if the surgery are aware that the refferal came through, I am seeing her on Tuesday and am wondering if I ought to bring it up. My CBT therapist says he's got do a report on me which she (my GP) will get a copy of, I will and he'll keep a copy for his notes too. I'm wondering if I ought to be more open with my GP - as I've never discussed anything not medical with her. They know about my mum taking seizures, that my sister's disabled too, and that my dad has no contact (well - he emails occasionally to send me abuse about my mum), and sometimes they've said/written things that I'm not sure I've told them (things that are in my notes though) like one letter said "____'s father left when she was 5 and has no further contact" so maybe they have been reading up.. Should I mention my anxiety to her and see what she says? I used to talk to my old gp all the time, but got attached to her and her to me - which left me heartbroken when I went to uni. So I don't want the same thing to happen again? And I don't want my gp dismissing all my symptoms as anxiety like everyone else does, she's been really helpful with testing for illnesses and stuff so far. I'm not sure what to do? Basically I don't want her to get a shock when she gets this report thing? Thanks for any advice xx

Vanilla Sky
19-11-10, 11:07
She wont get a shock hun dont worry about that . We have to let them know exactly how we are feeling to get the help we need.
Paige x