View Full Version : Really sharp head pain..

18-11-10, 22:04
About 10 minutes ago I was laying down watching tv and I got a real bad sharp, stabbing pain towards the back of my head behind my left ear.. It was the weirdest thing ever.. It only lasted about 2 seconds but the pain was really sharp and made me jump.. Also for like 5 seconds after, the hearing in my left ear was a little muffled.. Has anyone ever had this or know what it is??

18-11-10, 23:09
Probably a trapped nerve due to tension...i get these all the time and have had a ct scan on my head coz i was also having dizziness, but it was completely normal. Tension causes loads of problems in the head, there are huge muscles around the head, especially around both ears over next to the temple area and behind ears. Tension is caused by anxiety. Even when im not anxious i am tense, and i dont even know why, i dont even notice it, but i can feel it when i touch parts of my head and neck (its sore) so i know ive been tense for some time. Massage is good for tension, and also take ibuprofen, marvellous stuff for aches and pains to do with tension!! But dont worry, ur fine :)

18-11-10, 23:09
oh and the ear thing is just related to the tension! happens everytime i get it, i get a whistling sound in mine, its weird lol. tke cre :)

19-11-10, 00:23
Thanks for the reply.. That makes sense.. I've always had headaches and had an MRI about a year ago and it was normal.. I just never felt what I felt today before, but tension seems like it probably is the problem

19-11-10, 15:03
Not sure about causes, but I was in the car on the way back from the supermarket a couple of months ago & bang! I had a shooting pain in my head that lasted seconds and then went. I had a couple of minor ones for about half an hour afterwards (aftershocks!), but then it passed. :shrug: Been fine since.

19-11-10, 15:39
were you lying on your ear? I've noticed my sharp head pains might because of tension in my neck, as it happens while I'm on the computer, the pain will shoot up the back of my head and often behind my ear.