View Full Version : Heavy Chest Feeling

17-03-06, 00:22

Just wanted to know if any one suffers from a weighted chest? I get this feeling or a sensation, i can't make out which, of a weight mainly at night. It doesn't cause me a problem, but i worry what it is.

I think it's just an anxity thing, does anyone know what i'm talking about?

17-03-06, 13:16
I know exactly what you mean, having experienced this myself from time to time.

You will find that it is anxiety related and is just a feeling of constriction due to over tensed muscles in the chest. A lot of people suffering with depression and anxiety complain of this feeling - but that is all it is - a feeling brought on by physical tension. When your anxiety lessens you will find that the feeling will suddently lift - as if someone had suddenly removed that elephant that was parked on your chest.

Have a read of Claire Weekes' books on anxiety issues 'Self-Help for Your Nerves', there's an explanation for just about every niggling symptom that we anxious people complain of.

17-03-06, 13:32
Thank you for your reply, that makes me feel so much better. It's really odd that i don't feel it during the day thou, but then night time is always worse for me.

This weight feeling is very high in my chest, just down from my throat..weird!

No I've not read Claire Weekes, but i'm gonna buy a copy as i have heard so much about it.

Thanks again
