View Full Version : so fed up

19-11-10, 10:36
Hi i am trying so hard to be rational about my aches and pains but its my ibs that is holding me back and my pelvic pains i had a bout of ibs last night and the horrible churning got to get to the toilet feeling didnt leave me all night even though i went 3 times the feeling remained im so fed up can ibs really be this painful and unpredictable and do your ibs symptoms change .My bowel is still painful today already been to the toilet 3 times but it was normal tmi but i still feel like i need to go ive got popping and pain all down my left side and feel nauseus do you ibs sufferers sometimes think that ibs is so bad its got to be something more serious please reply im feeling so fed up x

19-11-10, 11:03
IBS is serious but not life threatening - I used to have terrible pains in my stomach - worse than childbirth - they would literally take my breath away - I decided to take control and wrote down everything I ate and drank in 2 weeks and then saw the pattern of lots of bread and the pain - I gave up all wheat products and I only ever get pain now when I overdose on french baguette!
IBS is also very responsive to meditation or calming techniques - you might be resistant to the thought at first but just try sitting in a chair and clearing your mind, or listen to soothing music - 5 minutes is ok and it gets easier with practice - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I can tell you repeatedly that you are absolutely fine but unless you are able to tell yourself
it will not make any difference. Good luck and hope your tummy gets better. X

19-11-10, 12:25
I suffer from IBS as well and it seems to have been particularly bad lately - and of course, the more you fret about it, the less likely it is to settle down. I find that my symptoms change a lot; sometimes I'll get twinges of pain down my left side, sometimes I'll get wind, sometimes I'll feel as though I should have wind but nothing will move. I can go to the loo three times one day and then once the following day, and sometimes it just feels as though my whole stomach is completely tense.

I can also find that it will be OK for ages (several months), then it might play up badly for a month, or I'll have a period where it's just on and off every few days. It's a pain in the bum! (literally :))

19-11-10, 12:43
I have ibs and im suffering at the moment due to anxeity - I get an overwhelming urge to go to the loo, it happened yesterday as I was waiting in the car to go into playground to get my son from school, it was so bad I had to go to reception and ask if I could take him 15 mins early as I really needed to get home!!! I also get nausea to and this amkes my tummy worse as I have a fear of vomiting. I am in a right mess with it all at the moment.xxxx

19-11-10, 13:23
when I first had IBS I was in pain for about 3 weeks! so it can get pretty bad.
my doctor gave me tablets to stop spasms, I think it's called spasmonol, it really helped!
so it had to be IBS or the tablets wouldn't have worked.
some people say peppermint tablets or tea and be helpful too.

19-11-10, 13:44
thankyou all so much im just so fed up of ibs and ha my daughter came in today and said id lost weight well that was it i could feel the panic coming on and ended up back on the toilet just because i associate unintended weight loss with cancer i had a clear colonoscopy nearly 3 years ago but im constantly in a panic about bowel cancer or any for that matter x also if i have lost weight i keep saying to myself its because i had my mirena coil out 8 weeks ago after 4 months of agony so i wander if i have its because of that i dont weigh myself because it causes me anxiety if i lose anything without trying im such a mess x

19-11-10, 19:35
Hi all im sat here really worried again because my tummy and bowel is churning and im frightened in case i have another ibs attack because i never usually have attacks at evening and now i have been having evening attacks its got to be bowel cancer if you have an attack in the evening does it mean its more likely to be something serious im suppose to be going away tomorrow over night with my sisters and this anxiety is spoiling it x

19-11-10, 19:55
i'me in the same boat as you bronte. Convinced myself it can't be ibs because ibs can't be this bad !!! i'me having a bad day today i've got really bad griping stomach pains at the moment and the noises my stomach was making earlier today were awful !!! I also get the popping on my left side. it really gets me down. hope your feeling better soon xxx

19-11-10, 20:03
thankyou rosebud i too have the horrible popping sensation down my left side plus pain and spasms xx

20-11-10, 12:11
i really feel for you bronte. ive been like this everday for 7 months so terrified its something awful so i know just how you feel. it really gets me down, eating is like a game of russian roulette sometimes i can eat what i like other times certain foods have a terrible effect on me. do you have problems with eating ?

21-11-10, 19:12
hi rosebud yes i do have trouble eating i get to the stage where im terrified at mealtimes in case it sets my bowel off the other night i had jacket potatoe with tuna mayo and sweetcorn weel an hour later i got awful churning gurgling in my bowel and had to fush to the toilet a couple of times but the stomach gurgling and popping didnt go off for the rest of the night and the next day my bowel and stomach was painful so lately i never know how im going to react to food and its really getting me down and making me anxiousxx

22-11-10, 19:26
i've basically given up trying to avoid certain foods and eating what i like at the moment because sometimes it just makes no difference at all !!!! Last week i had some brussel sprouts and the next morning my stomach was gurgling and popping like crazy. I 've had some tonight so i'me all on edge waiting for it to happen again !!! I really understand what your going through, i get so depressed about it. Just want to be able to eat what i want without all the worrying. Have you tried drinking peppermint tea when you get the gurgling and popping? I find it sometimes calms things down if only for a little while. xxx

22-11-10, 19:39
yes rosebud i have treid peppermint tea and peppermint capsules do you find they can give you acid stomach they seem to me but im still taking them ive been to york this weekend with my sisters and we went out for a drink followed by a curry god am i paying for it now lol xx

23-11-10, 12:36
No bronte i don't get acid with peppermint, its helps to calm the gurgling down which i suspect is mostly wind. I had quite bad diahhrea this morning which got me worrying again !!!! I had some sherry trifle yesterday so it might have been that i'me pretty certain milk doesn't agree with me. The trouble is i keep fretting its something serious and i'me just so fed up with it !!!! Hope you enjoyed york and it took your mind off things for a while xxx

24-11-10, 09:50
hi rosebud yes thankyou i did enjoy york and it did take my mind off things but its always there in the back of your mind isnt it at the moment rosebud i dont know what agrees with me and what doesnt i do know too many veg at the moment can set me off i too keep thinking there is something seriously wrong be cause of the pain it actually sometimes feels like period pains i was in alot of pain all day yesterday and had to have a bm 3 times tmi but the feeling stayed with me all day that i needed to go again and as soon as i ate something my stomach started gurgling and churning its nice to talk to someone in the same boat thanks rosebud xx