View Full Version : Dizzy spell

Natalie x
19-11-10, 13:21
Hi. Just a second ago i got a dizzy spell and a horrible nausea feeling. I've had a bit of blurry vision since this morning, and guess what! Here i am going out of my mind with worry. I work in an office using the computer all day and i am also supposed to wear my glasses when on it and i dont really. Could this be caused by this? Im really starting to panic. Can anyone re-assure me please? Brain tumor thoughts are back. Thanks x

19-11-10, 13:39
Hi Natalie

You dont have a brain tumor, I sometimes have dizzy spells exactly like that. When im on my period its worse and the dizzyness can last all day:wacko:

Not a nice feeling I know but it will pass. I aslo find it can happen if im staring at a computer screen for a long period of time.xxxxxxxxx

Natalie x
19-11-10, 13:51
Thanks for your reply. I hope that you're right. I've been doing so well with my h.a and bam here i am again. Im supposed to be going out tomorrow for a meal with my boyfriend as it is our second year anniversary and now im having doubts bowt going :weep: x

19-11-10, 14:05
Could it be the thought of going out tomorrow that is making you a little panicky?

19-11-10, 14:09
Hi Natalie - I get this too and it's often when I'm tired/my eyes are strained. It happens most after a few hours in front of the computer. I need to get my eyes checked soon because the feelings of strain & blurred vision are there most days now. It's most likely that not wearing your glasses is causing the physical issue but perhaps the underlying worry about the meal out is also making you more sensitive?

19-11-10, 18:12
Hi Natalie,

I get this almost every day, accompanied by nausea. I have had many test and am told it's from my anxiety and have to live with it some doctors can be so inconsiderate. I know how you feel it scares me so much but am told it's anxiety I too thought mine was a tumor.