View Full Version : Blood sugar

19-11-10, 13:26
I have noticed my panic attacks are coming on at noon. I tried to have a banana at eleven today to nip this in the bud but it didn't work and I started to feel panicky again at dinner.

Does this mean I have diabetes or dome sort of blood sugar illness?

19-11-10, 13:26
I must add though that this doesn't happen when I'm ready for tea, only at lunch.

19-11-10, 13:37
i would say now it could be some sort of pyscho-symatic thing (sorry no idea on spelling?) you're now expecting these panics to happen, so they are continuing as your body is gearing up ready for them. can you describe your symptoms?

19-11-10, 13:44
I agree with allergyphobia - you are worrying about ahving a panic attack which in turn makes you panic, therefore you are more likely to have one.

I do it too, here's my example. I felt sick and had tummy pains when waiting to get my son form school yesterday, so bad that I actually had to go in and get him early as I couldnt wait any longer to get home. Well today I have been fine but I know I will have to leave soon to get him and I am scared of feeling this way again, I am actually beginning to feel ill again and very panicky.

Panic attacks suck

Hope you are ok.x


19-11-10, 14:01
I just wonder if it's my blood sugar or body chemistry at this time of day that is causing the attacks. I get a sudden horrid feeling come over me and feel very adjitated.

I'm just at a loss what to do as this seems to happen to me quite often, most days, about this time of day.

It's worse when I'm on my period.

19-11-10, 14:06
Try a protien snack rather than a banana. I always have peanut M&M's or a snicker on hand for when my blood sugar level drops. If I don't have something I feel weak, faint and agitated.

19-11-10, 14:20
Everyone seems to have a time of day for panic attacks, often morning or night. My anxiety gets worse throughout the day, worst at evening after dinner, then gone when I go to bed. Maybe it will change soon.

19-11-10, 14:43
actually thinking about it, every day i used to feel strange about 3pm. i would come to expect feeling weird and it crept earlier and earlier... but then i forgot about it somehow, or would make a joke out of 3pm and sort of dare it to come and get me, and now it doesn't happen anymore. try having snacks throughout the morning to keep your sugar constant if you think it's that.

19-11-10, 14:53
What was your strange feeling like? Sometimes I can't even describe what it feels like, I just know it's going to turn into a panic attack.

19-11-10, 14:58
i don't know if i could describe it either, almost like a falling feeling, a dread almost dizzy, but like you say just knowing it would turn into an attack. i was very low emotionally back then, could it be something on your mind affecting you?

19-11-10, 15:28
Falling feeling is a good description, almost like I'm just going to fall asleep as well.

I've got a couple of minor things on my mind but nothing major. It's so frustrating.

19-11-10, 15:34
do you drink coffee and then maybe when the coffee wheres off thats what is making you feel funny?
I have a habit of drinking sugary drinks when I feel dizzy, not sure if it helps but it i kinda assume it does!

19-11-10, 15:37
yep, mine was like an uncontrollable urge to fall asleep too, like i really couldn't help it, and i think this is what made me so upset and anxious... i cut out caffiene as this wasn't helping...

19-11-10, 17:57
I don't drink tea or coffee so I know it's not that causing it.