View Full Version : A birds stuck in my heart!

19-11-10, 17:09
Does anyone else get this horrible 'fluttering' heart which I can only explain as a bird flapping it's wings really fast for about 10-20 seconds? It's so scary :( it happens if I bend over whilst stood up and sit down in a chair. It just happened now and I'm scared to stand up invade it happens again :( I feel like my whole body is buzzing. Shaking. Adrenaline? Agh I hate it :(

19-11-10, 17:44
I had something similar in my pelvis back in March. It lasted a fair few weeks, but ultimately went on its own. Since then, I've noticed it in my foot a couple of times too! Very annoying & no idea what causes it!

19-11-10, 18:22
hi laura i get this on and off in clusters i say mine is like a butterfly in heart and my heart flutters i have to cough and things to try and put it right , it freaks me out i hope its just anxiety well thats what i put mine down to xx

19-11-10, 20:23
I get this as well - mine only last a few seconds but its like a trapped bird and I find if I take a deep breath and cough it stops. About a month ago it did it really badly twice and both times I didn't cough and then felt faint and had racing heart. Ended up in A&E second time and althoug heartbeat was about 140bpm they said nothing bad about it - I have had ectopics for over 20 yrs and I found that after the flutters and panic I had very bad ectopics for a few days. I have just had another 24hr ecg but of course didn't have the flutter but did have the ectopics and due to see a cardiologist on 8th Dec so will let you know what he says if you want??

19-11-10, 20:47
I get this as well sometimes, its frightening at the time. But what a lovely way to explain it:D yep it does feel like a bird flapping now you mention it.

19-11-10, 22:45
i get this a lot, loads more than usual over the past week and it's scaring me silly!

id like to hear how you get on with the cardiologist if you wouldnt mind countrygirl? hope you dont mind me asking. :blush: xx

20-11-10, 02:00
i get this all over my body its very weird xx

20-11-10, 08:53
Pokerface I will let you know what cardiologist says - it has been really useful this sensation being described as a bird flapping its wings as it describes it perfectly and is bang in centre of my chest - because it only last a second or two with me I have never been able to find my pulse fast enough to observe what my heart is doing at that time - by time I get my finger on my pulse it is back to normal but fast- probably due to me panicking!

20-11-10, 10:47
Yes I get this, exactly how a bird got in there in the first place is what is confusing me.:shrug: It is the one symptom that stays with me when I am feeling otherwise fine. Mine only comes in the early morning though usually about 6am ish. Work that one out if you can.:huh:

20-11-10, 14:01
The early bird catches the worm......:blush:

20-11-10, 15:32
The early bird catches the worm......:blush:

What you think i might have worms...yike:ohmy: :)

20-11-10, 15:59
I think these are just palpatations, which are one of the symptoms of anxiety/stress.
I too went to my doctors and bugged him so much that I'm due for an ecg monday ( i'm 31 and healty :blush: ) I was getting them every hour or so every day for the past 6 weeks (when my anxiety has been at an all time high) I decided to buy some camomile tea from asda on thursday, had 2 cups in the morning (cut out tea and coffee) and low and behold they've vanished!! :yesyes:
Camomile is great at calming, I'm a beautician and we use it on problem skin to calm the area, but it's obviously worked for me, give it a try, it's about 1.30 for a box of 40 tea bags. let us know xx

20-11-10, 16:04
I'm with you michelle123, camolmile works wonders.... taste's nice too..... try chamomile with spiced apple by twinings... delicious !!! It's also fantastic at bedtime if you have trouble dropping off :yesyes:

20-11-10, 16:06
mmmmmm yes, there the ones i have now! delish! :yesyes:

20-11-10, 16:20
Yes sorry I was being a bit flippant above.:blush:

The last anxiety attack I had brought on the fluttering so I mentioned it to my GP when I saw him. He said ‘palpitations nothing to worry about but we do an ECG to be sure but it will come back fine’....and it did.

20-11-10, 22:18
hi everyone! wow i am glad i am not the only one, although i wish none of us experienced it as it is so so so horrible! it happens if i lay back in a chair,stand up or sit down.. especially happens if i bend down to pick up something and go back up. It happened about an hour ago after eating and if i put my fingers to my neck i can feel my hearts beating crazy fast and out of rhythm for about 5 seconds which makes me panic more and i find coughing and taking a deep breath sort of works but i feel strange afterwards :(
i had an ecg the other week (the nurse was HORRIBLE telling me to keep still or 'we'll be here all day') but i was having a nervous day and cudnt keep my feet still lol. But after 2 ecgs she told me it looks fine.
I told my doctor i wanted a chest x ray and she was really reluctant saying i didnt need it but i want one to put my mind at rest. So i have to go have that done within 2 weeks (its a drop in clinic thing)
countrygirl keep us updated with the cardiology!
its scary scary scary :( xxx

20-11-10, 22:21
ooh just seen the posts about the chamomile tea - i shall have to send my bf to sainsburys to pick me up some! (im still trying to overcome my anxiety of that place..)
thank u for the advice - i just read that warm milk is meant to be relaxing and make u sleepy so i will give that a go now too :) xxx hope everybody is okay xxx

21-11-10, 16:18
Hi Laurajoy, have you asked your doctor if you could be reffered for CBT? (cognitive behavioural therapy) you may have health anxiety, cbt teaches your mind to deal with the scary thoughts differently, i think it would be worth mentioning. Deffo try the chamomile though, it's fab. Look it up on the net, the benefits are fab!
Here if you need to spek, your not alone sweetie x