View Full Version : Problems with high arch?

19-11-10, 17:30
Hi Everyone

Just was wondering if anyone out there has a high arch and the problems you have suffered with. Where did you get your shoes from, etc etc.

I am not a happy chappy, so far have bought a pair of boots in the correct measurements and they don't fit :sad: I am annoyed about the whole thing really.

Not sure if I should go to the dr or something. I did go once before about my ankles and she just said oh loose weight or something, so never bothered going since.

I want a nice pair of nice shoes/boots that don't look like something your grandma would wear (sorry to all of those grannies out there). Hope you know what I mean and sorry if this offends anyone.

Not sure if I have put this in the correct place.

Anita, XX.

19-11-10, 18:27

I've got high insteps too. As I'm probably old enough to be your granny, I can get away with wearing special lil' ol' lady shoes :winks: this is because they are specially made to include an instep support insole similar to what you get in trainers...however, the good news is that some trendy Clark's shoes come with the same type of insole. Failing that, Scholl do removable insole called 'Busy Feet' which is available from superdrug. It has a high arch support...might help make your new boots fit more comfortably. Hope so :)

19-11-10, 19:42

Jada - Im 34 years old, hope I didn't offend you, couldn't think of another saying, perhaps I should have said old fashioned style of shoes. The new boots are going back, it don't fit my ankles :( and can't really get my feet into them. Which is a shame, cos I really liked them.

I really don't like shoe shopping, get really frustrated when I try on loads of shoes and they don't fit. Then the person whom I go with gets like annoyed cos im trying on all of these shoes (don't blame them really). It is a total pain, at the moment I am wearing crocs, not very good for winter and rain, (tried getting crocs with no holes in, but they are too tight across my top of my foot) not sure I understand why they are too tight they are the same sizes as my old crocs..

I want a comfortable pair of boots.

Has the high instep caused you problems, like with your feet, I know you have to get shoes with instep supports and things.

Thanks for replying to my post.

Anita. XX