View Full Version : back of tonque feels like got cotton or a hair stuck

19-11-10, 18:32
hi this sounds really weird but i keep getting it ,, its feels like i have a thread of cotton or a hair sat on the back of my tonque and im trying to get it of but there is nothing there i keep swallowing and having drink , then it will go but come back feels like got bits of food left in mouth thats the only way i can descibe it has any one else had this its driving me mad thinking all sorts xxx

19-11-10, 18:35
yeh iv had that b4 feel like you have a furry toung or something dunno whatit is dw though lol

19-11-10, 20:24
Hi Debbz

My Mum had your exact symptoms and was sent to our local hospital to have a camera look down her throat. There was nothing there and they said it was caused by anxiety. Then a few years later her sister complained of the same symptoms and went through the same procedure to be told hers was also caused by anxiety. Mental illness run in our family (myself and my nan also) and although I have not had this, I can assure you that stress/anxiety can present itself in the strangest ways. Also if the feeling goes away at times then it can't be serious.

19-11-10, 22:07
thank you both for replys that has reasured me like you say shaz doesnt it show in weird ways , sometimes it is so hard to believe the feeling and symtons you get are down to stress as they can be so intense xx but thank you im new to the site to x