View Full Version : heart palpitions for the first time

19-11-10, 18:52
I just woke up from having a afternoon nap and i suddenly felt a thumping in my chest that i could feel in my throat and quite honestly it scared the hell out of me.... it only lasted a mintue but since that i am having terrible anxiety...
has anyone else had these... or any information?

19-11-10, 18:55
Everybody gets this feeling from time to time whether they suffer from anxiety or not....its nothing to worry about.

19-11-10, 18:56
Thanks bailey i was getting rather worried tbh!

19-11-10, 19:02
ah there horrible i useto have like a fluttry heart like most the day then i first started takeing my meds though i was gonna have a heart attack of something lmfao dw youl be fine and if it bothers you that much you can get a ekg =]