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19-11-10, 19:13
Hi everybody. I'm Cliffy and I think I had my first panic attack today, probably about thirty minutes ago.

I was peeling some spuds and talking to my dad, nothing too heavy but suddenly my heart started beating a bit fast and I could feel each beat, but it felt as though it was out of beat. hard to explain so bear with me please.

Told my dad what I was experiencing and he tried to talk me out of it, but then I really started to panic. it felt as though my legs couldn't support me, I started sweating and genuinely thought I was about to keel over. It was horrible, the more I thought about it the more I was panicking and It felt as though I was actually about to die.

I went upstairs and lay on my bed and then felt as though I couldn't feel any part of my body so jumped up and sat on my chair and tried to breath through it. Eventually I calmed down and since then I now feel fine, although feeling a bit freaked out by it all!

It has to be one of the most scariest experiences in my entire life, it's making me tear up even as I speak this now but for a moment I genuinely thought that was me done!

Also I've also been suffering slightly from anxiety this past year and now just recently I have what I suspect to be carpal tunnel syndrome. The anxiety I've been getting has been about my own body, stuff like numbness in my left leg which could be down to my job but still makes me worry and other weird feelings. I'm now thinking the combination of Anxiety and CTS has properly done my nervous system in and it's finally cultivated in this panic attack.

Does it sound like a panic attack to you all though (I sincerely thank you all for reading this as looking back at it, it looks like I'm rambling but by writing this it's made me feel much more calmer) I reckon it probably is but I can't talk about it to anyone face to face cos when I do it's actually making me choke up, much easier to do it on here!!

Anyway thanks again,

Cliffy :)

19-11-10, 19:15
Hi Cliffy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-11-10, 19:26
Hi Cliffy, It certainly sounds like a panic attack. Glad you're feeling better :welcome:

19-11-10, 19:54
Thanks guys! Yeah I'm feeling much better now, kind of relieving in a way. At least I know what to expect should it happen again. Still though wasn't the one at all! :)

19-11-10, 20:30
:welcome:Hiya Cliffy

Firstly let me appologise as this will probably be a long reply... I seem to make a habit of rambling on when I post on here.. so sorry in advance :blush:

From how you have described it and from how many others have described their PA's on here I would say 'definately a panic attack'.

I've only had a couple of actual 'full' panic attacks in my life so I am really lucky but they were exacly as you described it. Last one I had was about a month ago waiting to see my doctor....(doctors don't scare me by the way).

It came completely out of the blue and like you I thought I was about to keel over and die it was so horrible... He opened the door and I said I thought I was about to collapse and I was shaking, pulse racing, couldn't breath..everything.

The doc simply taked to me and said I had had a bit of a panic attack and I wasn't going to faint or die and no I wasnt having a heart attack and my lungs weren't failing or anything else sinister....I was simply hyperventilating (ie breathing all wrong) because it had scared me so much.

I was fine within minutes but luckily mine happened in front of the doctor so he could reasure me straight away that it was nothing serious.

I have now been told that I am suffering from mild anxiety so I guess the two go can sometimes go hand in hand.

I also get numbness but to be honest I think that may be more to the fact that I work on my computer all day and my posture is awful.

I suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome too in my wrists for years (again mainly because fo my computer work). That was awful at times and somewhat unbearable but oddly enough I stopped getting it after having a baby.... 16 years ago :yesyes:

I hope you are ok now but try not to dwell on your panic attack as it only makes things worse. Try to forget about it if you can as hopefully it was just a one off... but if it does ever happen again just try and stay calm and breathe through it. Slow deeps breaths in and slow deep breaths out etc. That's waht I do when I suddenly feel 'iffy' and so far have not had another nasty one since then.

A good way is to do the following.. think I read this on here somewhere.

Keeping your mouth closed....

1. put your first two fingers on the bridge of your nose and place your thumb and 4th finger over your nostrills.

2. Remove your thumb from one nostril (whilst leaving your 4th finger covering the other nostril) and breath in slowly to the count of 5.

3. Replace your thumb over your nostril and hold the breath to the count of 5.

4. Remove your 4th finger from your other nostril (whilst leaving your thumb in position over the other) and breath out slowly to the count of 5.

and Repeat

(did I get that right or have you just suffocated yourself EEK... if at any time you find you have both fingers blocking both nostrils at the same time and you can't breath in then I've typed it wrong:roflmao:)

YOU WILL BE FINE AND YOU DEFINATELY WONT COLLAPSE OR DIE FROM A GROTTY AND SCAREY PANIC ATTACK... you just need to relax as best as you can and don't allow any extra anxiety to fuel it... easier said than done sometimes though eh :hugs::hugs:

Take care x x x

19-11-10, 20:32
Damn that one was really long again.... sorry.:doh:
Everyone will start avoiding my replies soon at this rate :blush::roflmao:

19-11-10, 20:56
Hi Dizz, thanks for replying. reading that has put my mind at ease, It's very reassuring to know others have had similar experiences and it does put things into perspective and how to deal with it.

I was even just on the phone to an old mate of mine and told him what happened. He then told me he gets nearly everything I'm currently suffering from and what you said not to panic and breathe through it.

I shall try that breathing technique should it happen again though, trying to master it now lol. Yeah the carpal thing is quite annoying tbh, But I did get myself a brace and have been wearing it on and off most of the week. It's helping and doesn't hurt like it used to. The leg thing is still weirding me out though. I'm sure it's a work related problem cos I am on my feet literally the whole day, probably 8-9 hours 5 days a week on my feet.

I've made a pledge to myself that if it gets worse and is still worrying me this time next week then I'll make an appointment to see the doctor. I'm sure they'll love seeing me again, I was only there yesterday getting my ears cleaned lol!

Thanks again though Dizz, I'm actually feeling much better now, glad I found this site! :)


paula lynne
19-11-10, 21:07
Hi Cliffy, welcome aboard :welcome:yes, it sounds like a panic attack. As you say, it may be the cumilation of stress. I use a paper bag to re-breathe (it sorts out the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance during a panic attack). I hope its the only one you ever get, you must try to forget it now, dont start getting worried about having another one, thats how the fear-panic-fear cycle starts. Knowledge is key here, so read the info on the left under panic/anxiety, and youll hopefully knock this thing on the head! Take care x

19-11-10, 21:30
Thanks Paula, yeah I'll certainly try and forget about it. Although just went down the shops to get some wine for my dad. In the queue in the shop and started feeling it again. Luckily it didn't take hold like last time, just started breathing deeply and focused on something in the shop. must of looked like a right weirdo but oh well at least it sorted me out!!

paula lynne
19-11-10, 22:03
no weirdos have panic...we prefer to call ourselves "special"..:winks: dont let it get you down read up on it, "it" doesnt like it when you know how to deal with "it"...."It" loses its power over you thats why...........take care x

19-11-10, 23:43
Hi Cliff glad your dad was a help- Dizz that breathing technique is a good one need to try and remember it for the next one I have when I hyperventilate (thankfully the breathing isnt generally an issue for me more the palps)

20-11-10, 00:35
Hi there Cliffy,welcome to the forum :D

Everyone is lovely here and always willing to offer a cyber shoulder to cry on or offer some advice.