View Full Version : Muscle weakness

19-11-10, 19:15
Does anyone suffer with this?

I also get muscle pain and strong aches, sometimes sudden pains and aches that last ages and leave that particular part feeling extremely weak.

The main thing i get though, EVERY SINGLE DAY, is a really strong urge to stretch my muscles, mostly my arms, neck/shoulders/back, and sometimes legs (although not as much as arms and neck etc!!). Its getting more and more frequent, and say right now if i stretch one of my arms out, that arm will feel REALLY weak afterwards, for ages, so much that i can barely type with that hand :( Its not normal, i know its not anxiety, theres no way :(

I have been referred to Neurology, im dreading it though!! Ive never heard of anyone whos suffers with this constant urge to stretch thing!!

Googling doesnt help either, as it suggests nerve/muscle disorders :(

Im so frightened :(

19-11-10, 19:17
do u think that if i did have a serious problem then my muscles would not just FEEL weak, they would BE weak where i couldnt really use it? I sometimes think that if i did have something serious going on then this problem wouldnt come and go, would it? Ohhh i dont know :(

19-11-10, 20:04
didnt think so, ive asked before and i dont think anyone said they get the same sort of thing (re: constant urge to stretch and twist muscles that leave them feeling very weak affterwards, mainly in hands and arms and neck)

19-11-10, 20:12
I spend most of the day stretching, the tightness in my muscles wake me up at night when i turn over and i have to get up and stretch. Theres not a muscle in my body that doesn't hurt at some point........ because im so tense all the time and it sounds like you are too.

19-11-10, 20:28
Hi Crazyhayz,

“do u think that if i did have a serious problem then my muscles would not just FEEL weak, they would BE weak where i couldnt really use it?”

I think that would very much be the case. I would’ve expected a real illness to have a real physical effect, whereas thoughts (ie anxiety) give rise to ‘feelings’.

“I sometimes think that if i did have something serious going on then this problem wouldnt come and go, would it?”

My (uneducated!) opinion would be that a real illness would either get better or worse, not come and go. Thoughts and feelings can come and go though :winks:

Try to think about something else :)


19-11-10, 20:37
Thanks guys x i feel alot better x baileys how do u know this is down to tension? has a doctor said? coz i might mention it to my doctor when i see him on the 25th

19-11-10, 21:02
Thanks guys x i feel alot better x baileys how do u know this is down to tension? has a doctor said? coz i might mention it to my doctor when i see him on the 25th

Nigel has explained to you what happens when its down to tension.
I dont suffer with HA so i can look at my problem more logicically.
I have been to a neurologist who couldnt see a neurological problem. Ive had blood tests and nothing showed up there so because im tense all the time then thats what it must be. If you keep your muscle tight for most of the day they are bound to hurt and need stretching.

19-11-10, 21:46
thanks x but wot i dont get is that its so sudden, like i cant even control it! and also when i stretch it doesnt actually relieve the urge, it staysd there for ages, then eventually goes, but it just feels too powerful to be anxiety. the weakness i get is the main reason for this, if i strretch my fingers/hand, i lose alot of gripping power? thats not normal :( im not seeing the Neuro until Feb 2nd either.. :(

19-11-10, 22:28
You are thinking too much about it and how its affecting you, we can all do that.
If i stretch my hand and then relax it it feels weird, numb, weak but i think nothing of it, its probably because ive been spending too much time typing.
If the doc thought you had a problem then you would be referred to the neuro before feb.
Being anxious can cause muscle tension so when you stretch your muscles they will feel strange, they are not use to being relaxed as they are always tight.

19-11-10, 22:43
Hi Crazyhayz,

Like Baileys, if I tense or stretch various muscles those parts of my body feel different for a while, and if you say keep doing those things, it’s bound to make those parts feel a bit weak or achy after a while.

Your doctor doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to get you referred so he obviously isn’t too concerned. So perhaps when you have that appointment next week you could ask WHY he thinks you’re ok. It’s just that asking us lot here isn’t the most reassuring because none of us are medical experts. Dr Google sadly isn’t an expert either :winks:

Your doctor is though, and probably just takes it for granted that he’s pretty sure you’re OK without really thinking of explaining his reasons to you. So having his reassurance – the assurance of an expert – would, I think, go a long way towards putting your mind at ease.

Take care :)

19-11-10, 23:11
Thanku both of you, im guna stay positive until february. I think the doctor said something like 'it may take some time for an appointment, obviously if ur symptoms get worse then I can hurry it along if need be'. I understand and agree that im obviiusly not unwell enough to be seen soon, i.e. fainting, fits, complete loss of use of a limb... so i dont want to try and hurry my doctor along if its not necessary, im just kinda impatient and wanna know what it is thats causing these feelings. I agree that it is probably tension, coz i do feel stiff alot of the time, but stupid Doc Google is telling me otherwise, i promise not to google now... ;)

Im sorry to blabber on! Thanku kindly for ur replies, after this i am about 90% its tension, and before I was about 20% so ur words have helped :)

Thank you again x

19-11-10, 23:46
90% - that’s pretty good odds in my book :winks:

The thing you’ve gotta remember about Googling for symptoms is that symptoms are only one part of the puzzle - like clues the doctor uses. The bigger part is how to interpret those symptoms and how to put them into context with any other symptoms the patient has, and how to ask the right questions to then confirm or rule out possible causes. That part takes years of training and experience, and it’s the sort of thing you can’t really put into words on a website.

My old job wasn’t this or anything medical, but I remember how learning the facts and figures from books and at college, while still necessary and invaluable, were worlds apart from doing the job for real.

Take care :)

19-11-10, 23:50
Thats great, thanks Nigel :) Your a great help to me..

Take care and im sure I will too :)


20-11-10, 01:59
yes i have had this its bloody awful xx

29-11-11, 11:39
Relax, in the world of panic attacks your symptoms are perfectly normal.

I have to laugh because there have been a few times my arm has gone slightly numb and I think it's about to literally drop off.

30-11-11, 10:29
Muscle weakness is generally caused by tearing or pulling a muscle. Also, another major cause of muscle weakness is poor nutrition.