View Full Version : stomach ulcer

19-11-10, 22:18
Hi everyone hope ur all ok, I just wondered if anyone can help as im really worried, I hav a tensing feeling in my stomach that I hav had all day and a bit of heartburn and im worrying that its stomach ulcer, I. Do also get hungry a lot, its not really pain in my stomach its a tight feeling as though I hav dun sit ups, has anyone got any advice pls thanku x x

20-11-10, 01:37
hiya it could be the food your eating or u may not be eating enough and thts why ur getting indigestion or rather acid reflux cause ur stomach is telling u it needs food i have had this with the pains before. hope this helps x

20-11-10, 10:05
Hiya thanku, I dont really eat well usually rusk for wen I get an sugar rush x