View Full Version : Is this normal?

19-11-10, 22:21
I am week fourteen into a CBT face to face course for Depression but there has been evidence of low self esteem and anxiety/panic attacke. As far as I know they will continue seeing me until I have either learnt the techniques successfully.
I feel as though I am opening up a can of worms at the moment and I guess facing some very painful and deep rooted problems. Three weeks ago I seemed to have a good breakthrough and felt very very positive flood of light at the end of the tunnel then some of my core beliefs were re-affirmed three times in the same week. This sent me into a complete tailspin and the rating tool the counsellors use went through the roof.
Is it normal to have these periods of major dips whilst undergoing CBT?
I am kind of scared that I am opening up old wounds and that things are going to get worse (had thought that was possible) but feel very close to a complete melt down and where I was fine and coping in a fashion at work I am now struggling- work has been my bolt hole.
I do feel that its working but wonder whether I am getting the most out of it. We did discuss the reason that I hadn't progressed as fast was possibly my lack of focus ( may be evident in this post:blush:) and whilst I was doing the home work I was leading my therapist off track with my thoughts :roflmao: hey if my therapist can't deal with me what help has anyone else got- my zig zag thought process is something my husband struggles with. Thanks for any input

19-11-10, 22:53
Any type of therapy can be hard. I sometimes wish that i had kept the lid on my can of worms at times but i suppose it will help me in the end.
I think my therapist will need therapy himself by the time he has finished with me:wacko:
It is normal to have highs and lows so stick with it, you will know if its not right for you.

19-11-10, 23:10
Thanks for the reply I agree with what you say about the therapist needing therapy- my husband said he feels sorry for him trying to work out my thought process :meh: he does mean it a funny way not a negative way I feel I should say. I guess because of my issues I don't trust my own judgement that well.