View Full Version : Seperation of moods

20-11-10, 00:52
I've been going to inter personal therapy for a while now and I've learned a lot about myself, the one thing I was never able to realize is that I don't fully allow the therapy to work for me.

Most of the time I have 2 distinct moods, it's either i have a good day or a bad day..even with days of light anxiety I usually considered that a bad day...so obviously the good days were scarce.

My therapist once said to me "why can't you leave your problems here, with us to figure out" and I had no answer, for some reason we tend to think about all our problems to the point that our problems consume us, they grow into monsters and drastically change our moods. They become dark clouds, they spread quickly and change our perception, sometimes this can spiral out of control and most of the time these moods continue to persist, because we continue to pay attention to them. Anxiety becomes an illusion of attention.

I've done a lot of research on anxiety and have suffered for almost 5 years now. I always tell my close friends that while i know everything there is to know about anxiety and it's symptoms, I know how battle them and I post a lot of advice on this forum, sometimes I can't seem to implement my own advice. It's difficult, very difficult. You may know what to do, but your emotions and habitual negative thinking is so much more consuming.

I decided to change one thing in my thinking, instead of constantly thinking about what I should do, I should actually DO IT. Sounds simple enough, but its very hard, I am sure many of you over think anxiety and know where the symptoms come from, but can't figure out how to stop it. So what I decided to do was to tell myself that all of my problems will be figured out when I see my therapist, any worries, moods, anxieties and symptoms, I will leave for my session. It's okay to be worried, anxious and have symptoms, but i'll only think about it or talk about it during my session. Basically I am telling my anxiety that I will deal with it, on my own time. One thing I've been battling with is constant state of dizziness or unbalance, it doesn't scare me anymore, but it's just annoying, I pay a lot of attention to it. I tell myself, this is how I am, this is my normal self, it's fine and I'll deal with it during my session with my therapist and then I force myself to think about something else that's interesting to me...cars, girls, movies..etc.

Once I started doing this I can tell you that I noticed a separation of my moods, there is a mood of constantly thinking and thinking and thinking about my anxiety and a mood of just being in the present moment...a very light feeling, like everything has been lifted off from me. I can really feel these moods and I think it is a good base to start on and start to increase the light moods duration and occurrences.

What I am basically saying is, try to allocate some time to think about your anxiety, if you have a therapist, then that should be the time you should think about it, but really try and tell yourself that every time you get anxious or sad, just say "i'll deal with you later, you're just anxiety, you're not that important at this moment" and then simply force yourself to think about something else. This works because you are still accepting your anxiety, by telling it you know its there you know it exists, but you are not worried about it. You are not fighting your anxiety, you are just telling it, "ok, i'll get to you later". This obviously takes practice and you should still do other things (meditation,breathing, exercise, just be active), but it does work.

Hopefully you can experience the "light" mood feeling that I have experienced and that will motivate you to continue even further.

Just wanted to share some of my thoughts, hope it helps someone.

20-11-10, 06:29
Hi Stan,

I have kind experienced the same thing lately about telling the anxiety it had to wait and it works somewhat .I think you are on a good path and thanks for sharing your thoughts here.I know it will help others.