View Full Version : crazy, gettin worse

20-11-10, 01:59
Hi all, I suffer from anx and have panic attacks in certain situations and Im also depressed.

Things have got worse of late, Its got to the point where I wont travel with anyone, even my girlfreind or family members let alone freinds :weep: and dont want to do any thing with anyone as I feel to nervous all of the time, tiny things like goin to the shop together, even going for a walk....I cant do it :shrug:

How have i let things get this messed up?

I refuse to go to the doctors....still after years of this crazyness.

Anyone else suffer these problems?

20-11-10, 14:34
I wouldnt place all of the blame on not going to the doctor, personally i went to the doctor, got some medication and then decided to make it on my own. the only thing that really helped was going to see a shrink to be honest, talking with someone can do a world of good