View Full Version : Brain worries

20-11-10, 05:07
Alright everyone, I'm so over all my health anxiety worries its not funny. I've been to the doctor about my headache problem, but he believes its all stress related, but I've got more problems than this. He's sending me for a CT scan to ease my worries and all that, but I'm scared. I've had really heavy, sore, itchy eyes and they feel pressured and like they are going to burst and my head is also feeling pressure along with headaches that come and go all day everyday for the past few weeks. My scalp feels tender and sore too and I'm so worried that I have a brain tumour or something or that I'm going to have an aneurysm. Everyone around one has been teying to reassure me that I would be a lot worse off if this was the case and that its not because I'm only 19 and all that, but I'm just so scared. Help me!! :shrug:

20-11-10, 11:13
Krystal you have just described the symptoms I had before my anxiety was ultimately diagnosed. The exact eye problems I have had for years, a pressure like they are going to burst and a need to have them closed all the time because they feel gritty, often I only get it in one eye. I saw loads of opticians over a period and ended up seeing an eye specialist who gave me the all clear, it was in fact him who at the end of the consultation said do you get stressed or anxious. At the time I said no because I genuinely did not recognise my symptoms as anxiety but since then his words resonate every time I have an anxiety attack.

The tender scalp thing came about three years ago. It felt like tiny sore cuts that you might get from paper, for instance, and they seem to move about i.e be in spot for a couple of days and then move somewhere else for a couple of days – sometimes one sometimes two or three. I saw my GP about this and she said I recon you might be going to get shingles or........she never committed to the ‘or’ at the time but insisted I made another appointment for after xmas. Over xmas I started feeling weird and lightheaded with numb tingling down my cheek and a stiff neck. When I went back to her and told her what had gone on she instantly said anxiety.

It would wrong for me not to tell you to get your GP to diagnose or mention it when you have your scan but to me it is classic anxiety. And when brain tumours get to the headache stage they are always accompanied by other very debilitating symptoms like major seizures, unable to walk etc so a tumour is at best unlikely.