View Full Version : Anyone Play Video Games Feel Like This?Please help?

20-11-10, 05:36
I broke down and bought a game system for my wife and I .. Never really cared for video games but thought I would give it a try.I always dreamed of being a fighter jet pilot so well I broke down and one of the games I bought was Tom Clancy's Hawk So we set up the games we got and played on some,no problems. Then I loaded the flying game and really love playing it but I got up to go to the bathroom after playing just 20 minutes or so of the game and really getting into it doing all kind of flying and shooting etc.. and
As I was in the bathroom I closed my eyes and I could see myself flying the plane upside down and round and round like I could still be playing the game.
It lasted for about another 30 minutes or maybe an hour after playing and it worried me.I saw a warning about epilepsy at the first of the game.

Has anyone else experienced this and is this normal and ok to feel or is it something I should check into further.. Its a little bizarre to close your eyes and still see the action in the dark with your eyes closed but maybe its normal.. IF anyone has the same thing happen please post to me here.

I don't want to quit playing the flying game and really it was one of the reasons I bought the system.. But if its going to give me some kind of medical problem I don't want to continue.. Please help????????

20-11-10, 08:59
i get what you mean, i think its just cuz you r so into the game that when in the bathroom you still want to be playing it, iv had dreams where im like in the game and wake up and tell my gf not thinking about it being related to my game and she goes thats yours game and im liek oh yeh :/ but as im 19 i do alot of gameing =] its alright its just your imagination

20-11-10, 11:28
wow I get that A LOT!!!!
mainly when I've played a game and go to bed and close my eyes , all i see is the game...
if I play the sims , it takes ages to get it out of my brain.
i wonder if their is a name for it?

20-11-10, 12:30
I get it too, it's just your brain carrying on the fun :D

21-11-10, 03:00
Glad to know im not alone.Im prettty sure its nothing .I think I have had it happen to me in movies before where I get up and go out and close my eyes and can still see the action also I remembered when I was younger I used to go out in the boat a lot.. When I would come in I would feel that I was still in the boat rocking back and forth. I think its kind of a memory of movement..I dont know if it has a name but probably pretty common.Thanks for chiming in .. Michael

22-11-10, 01:18
Okay, this sensorium would not be associated with epileptiform, but rather related to persistence of motion. Many seafarers on cruise leave the ship after extended periods, only to experience a phenomenon known as disembarquement syndrome wherein the body continues to sense repetitive motion patterns. The same is true for many persons who engage in isolated activities that over-stimulate the oculo-vestibular network. The visual system works in conjunction with the vestibular network in the middle ear to maintain an upright and steady sensation of the environment. Isolating one of these factors, in this case visual, by engaging in video games that mimic motion and flight will stimulate the oculo-vestibular network, causing it to increase its level of influence to maintain what it believes to be upright and stable. If you stimulate the network for a period of time and then remove the stimulus and become very still, you will be surprised to encounter after-effects that can persist in some persons for as much as 20 to 30 minutes or more before they extinguish and self-resolve.

It is a normal physiological response.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

22-11-10, 06:11
Thanks.. You are a genius and very kind.. I thought it was probably normal since I haven't been on a boat in quite a while and well I don't feel that anymore either. Today I played the video game again and never really thought about it much after I played.

I am very greatful for a wonderful explanation.Im going to print this out and save it.Thanks again. You are very kind.

22-11-10, 12:35
I love video games and I play them all the time :) I get this alot, sometimes I even dream about the games I am currently playing if I get that much into them.. lol. I'm glad you are enjoying the game :D games can really take us away from reality and let us have a great time!