View Full Version : I'm a mess

20-11-10, 10:52
Well it seems to have taken over again and I'm out of control.

I have a couple of things going on at the moment, time of the month being one as well a the fact I have a dreadful stiff neck.

Every time I stand up or move I feel dizzy and my breathing goes haywire.

The only time I feel plus if I'm lying down which is possible with a small child and housework.

But here lies my problem, I can't do anything. Everytime I try to do housework or even small tasks like going upstairs I feel out of breath and my heart goes wild.

I'm in fear of having missed beats which have happened a couple of times recently.

Why won't this leave me alone?

I've had numerous ECG, an echo and a treadmill test all of which were normal and my fear went away but since I started having missed beats and racing heart when I had a spell of acid recently I have started to worry again.

I had it after my breakfast again today. I had this welling up bubble feeling and then it felt like my heart fluttered. The dr said that perhaps it isn't an actual skipped beat feeling all the time and perhaps rather this reflux is causing a similar sensation.

Sorry to ramble on but I just want to wake up feeling positive one if these days.

Vanilla Sky
20-11-10, 11:01
I had this when i had acid reflux , same feeling as missed beats . Cough and have a sip of water that what helps mine . It is awful but they are harmless , you have had all the tests and it's ok so try to stop worrying when you have them just distract yourself .
Paige xx

20-11-10, 11:03
I get it a lot when I'm carrying my daughter as well. If I have to lift her or carry her about I get the same welling bubble skippy feeling.

Vanilla Sky
20-11-10, 11:05
Yes thats probably more to with the way your breathing as well. When your lifting her itspossible it's just the acid coming up to your stomach more

Vanilla Sky
20-11-10, 11:10
If you feeling bad come in to the chatroom and we can talk x

20-11-10, 11:15
I have the same problem with my heart racing it really leaves me breathless, simple things such as washing my hair seem to leave me tired , out of breath, heart racing/ palpitations and i need to sit down and wait for it to go.
it's also my time of month which for me makes the palpitations worse.
must be so hard for you having a child to look after.
i really don't have any advice, ive had all the tests too, some days are better than others.

20-11-10, 11:18
It makes me feel like such a bad mother though because all my friends manage to get on with their days, work and keep house and I'm just feeling a useless wife and mother.

I know in a couple of days I'll probably feel a lot better when my period goes but I just wish I could find something to help for those times. I ding want to be on meds as I'm not bad all the time. It's so frustrating.

20-11-10, 11:20
My stiff shoulders and neck are not helping matters.

20-11-10, 11:21
Oh and i forgot to add in my original post that I'm starting to get anxious about eating now beings all these symptoms appear before or after eating.

20-11-10, 11:24
Your not a useless wife or mother don't ever think that. When its that time of the month your anxiety will become worse. I started a thread about it thinking it was just me it happened too but knowing other people feel the same made me feel better x

20-11-10, 15:32
I wad feeling ok for a while there so I decided to do some cleaning. While I was going up and down I started to get the skippy thing and had to sit down as I started worrying about what people say that if you get them while exercising that is bad news.

I took my pulse and couldn't feel any but was getting the welling feeling but my pulse wasn't even racing, it was only about 85.

Now I'm even more worried. Even though I know the likelihood of anything being wrong is slim as my echo was only a couple of months back.

When I sat down my bowels started hurting like I needed to go to the toilet. I'm just so worried as to why this has started being troublesome.

20-11-10, 18:42
So I felt a little better do went back to doing my housework. Was going fine but then they started up again. I managed to catch one in my pulse and it was like a pause but my heart wasn't going particularly fast and carried on as normal afterwards.

But then I started to worry and started feeling awful again. And then I remembered about af and now I'm worried I have this.