View Full Version : SCARED sudden pressure in ears,temple neck, throat and lightheaded

20-11-10, 12:08
Hi sorry for this as I try not to dwell on any symptoms but this one's re4ally starting to worry me.

For the past 4 days I've been getting the following but it's getting worse and more often. It can happen suddenly and regardless of wether I am relaxing or moving about.

I get a sudden feeling of pressure building up in my ears and around my temple area which is horrible.

It's like my ears have suddenly become 'full' are going to burst.

I also get a feeling of tightness in my throat and occasionally I get a very short but noticeable little pain in the left side of my neck (near where I presume my artery is) and have had the odd similar pain in the side of my left wrist, the area which follows the line of my little finger down into my wrist if that makes sense.

I go really lightleaded and very tired all of a sudden and I feel like I have no oxygen going to my head and like a band of pressure is all over it.. and I go a bit breathless.

I have a odd sensation in the right hand side of my chest too like a fluttery bubbling.

I had my blood pressure checked on thursday by the nurse at the GP's surgery. I just walked in and asked for someone to check it as I felt weird.

It was higher than normal ie 150/100 which I know is not that bad as I'm on bp tablets anyway so that doesn't concern me however when the nurse looked at my past visits she noticed that I had mentioned heaviness and tingling on my left side many times but the doctor had never taken any notice... I had also mentioned the blurred vision I sometimes get and she was supprised he hadn't taken that into account either.

She has booked me in for an ECG with her in the surgery on Monday as I haven't had one for two years since starting on my bp tablets so she said it may be a good idea to have another one.... but she said if I got anymore symtoms to go straight back... I can't cos they are closed

I'm just a little bit concerned as while I'm typing this it is starting to happen again, I wonder if that is because I am sitting down and restricting my blood flow or something.

I know it sounds probably like anxiety but I've never had this before and it lasts about 20 minutes although in bed last night it seemed to last a couple of hours and I couldn't even lie down as I went so lightheaded again like I had no oxygen and my head was not part of the rest of me.

Deep breathing and relaxing doesn't seem to make it go away.

Does anyone else get this? should I be concerned as I can't ring my docs as they are closed... should I ring the hospital or NHS direct....or is it just another case of boddy playing tricks with me.:shrug:

Sorry for the long post and cant ckeck for spelling mistakes or typos as I'm typing quick before my other half reaslises I'm on here.:blush:


20-11-10, 15:03
It really does sound like anxiety. Everyone gets the odd pain and ache here and there from time to time, I get a pressure around my temples sometimes but I try not to let it worry me (my meds have also helped me) the more you think about it the more you probably bring these symptoms on and make yourself feel worse. Please try not to worry, I know it's probably the hardest thing ever to do but I don't think anything's wrong with you.

I'm sure the doctor on Monday will put your mind at ease, maybe whilst you're there ask if there's anything you can do/take to help. I feel so much better now I don't have such health worries all the time.

20-11-10, 18:57
Hi thanks for the reply Lizzie...:hugs:

I'll see what they say on Monday although it's only the duty nurse (the one who usually takes blood) that I am seeing but I'm sure she must have to pass the ecg onto a doctor.

I've been told today that ecg's dont show up problems with circulation though... why do people tell me things like that ha ha :blush:

Like you I just ignore my symptoms these days and was doing great until Thursday but I guess as these all happened at the same time and I hadn't had them before they have just freaked me out a little.

I must admit though that if it is just another anxiety type I do not want to be given any medication as the side effects of the citalopram they gave me were blummin awful... made my usual symptoms seem lovely. Doc took me off them after 3 days but never suggested I try anything else.

Not to worry I'll be fine and I'm sure like you say that it's nothing at all to worry about so I will ignore... :yesyes:

20-11-10, 19:41
I'm on citalopram at the moment, for mild bipolar I may add but the anxiety's gone, I was one of the lucky one without major side effects. There are loads of other things out there though so maybe something different could help?
You could think about it this way though (something I've done in the past) if it really was something awful and serious you'd either now be in hospital or not in the land of the living anymore, so since neither of these apply then it can't be a big problem if a problem at all! Bit of a morbid way of looking at things but I find it helps.
Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

20-11-10, 21:28
Thanks for that.. I think:huh::roflmao::hugs:

21-11-10, 18:31
Like I said, it is abit of a morbid way of thinking but I sometimes got the point where I was desprate to make it go away! I'd wake up in the morning like 'thank god, I'm still here'
I never realised until about a week ago that cit had made it go away because I'm so wrapped up in the fact I've been told I'm bipolar (after it was missed by another doctor) that all I'm thinking about is that and am I feeling better etc, it's probably the only good thing I've had outta this tablets.