View Full Version : still have butterflys

20-11-10, 13:22
i suffer from ptsd due to getting beaten up in an armed robbery,i worked in an off liscence 6 years ago and 6 blokes in balaclavas came bursting through the door demanding money from the safe one of them hit me across the head with a cash box then threw me across the desk into a door and started kicking me while i was on the floor,since then if i see people in balaclavas on the news i instantly feel sick i,m nervous at night and don,t like going out in the dark,and i haven,t worked since.
I attended groups which was a huge help and it helps to talk to people with similar problems, my medication helps but i don,t want to rely on tablets forever.

20-11-10, 19:51

Nice to meet you and so sorry that you experienced such an horrendous experience;
It is natural to be cautious but there is a point when we know we are not being practical and the effect is too great on our lives; have you looked into CBT as a treatment or EMDR? Just a suggestion.


21-11-10, 13:35
hi lynnann,
i did a cbt course last year and found it very helpful,things are better then they were but now and again i still get flashbacks,i don,t have suicidal thoughts now and i don,t self harm anymore so thats good.

Nigel H
21-11-10, 15:50

having been through PTSD myself ... and come out the other side .... I suggest you have a look at the following site.... in regard to Time Line TherapyŽ

It's swift and highly effective - being used with war veterans for PTSD from conflicts etc, among other things.

I am trained in it ... but also had it used with me, to enable me to get over a road accident, in which I lost 70% of the use of my arm.


Click on the sections in the title banner, for Negative Emotions, Limiting Decisions/Beliefs and Anxiety .....

Any questions - please ask ....


21-11-10, 17:22
Hi Gallioopy,

I guess realistically you are so much better and I am really happy for you; well done :)
I guess seeing people in balaclava's would scare most people and you have an associated memory with it. I don't watch the news anymore as I find it triggering, I am also careful about television programmes content. It doesn't seem a great loss to me lol. Always prefered documentaries anyway lol. Although I also think as we get older we become more cautious about our surroundings, just life experience I suppose but I do think you need to have a chat with your GP about some further therapy.

If you could manage to get to a point where you are out and about more and working again I think it would raise your self esteem. I know I find new places, people and surroundings very difficult in the beginning but perserverance wins through:)

Looking forward to getting to know you better :) Welcome to NMP :welcome:

22-11-10, 09:35
thanks for the replies, i hope to get to know you all better to take care x

27-11-10, 16:25
Hi gail i am glad you joined the forum, there are loads of great people on here :D