View Full Version : When are you are your worst?

20-11-10, 13:28
For ages now i seem to only have panic attacks and terrible waves of anxiety during the evening... im completely fine in the day time.....

I was wondering when everyone else was are their worst?

20-11-10, 16:06
I'm the opposite, feel the worst in the morning on waking then as the day goes on I feel much better !! I'd actually say by evening I feel quite normal ! :D

20-11-10, 16:41
Mornings, just as I wake are the worst for me. I want to continue sleeping, but my anxiety levels increase.

When I was having full blow panic attacks however, they were usually at night. I'm glad I'm past that.

20-11-10, 17:20
Mornings and night times I'm ok through the day.

20-11-10, 17:22
Mornings are the worst for me as soon as i wake those nervous feelings start, usually feel better in the evening.

20-11-10, 18:11
mornings too! as soon as my eyes open :mad: dont feel too bad by bedtime, unless i dont get to sleep then i feel bad all night long!

20-11-10, 18:14
NIGHT TIME :blush: and the week before my period and the first two days on my period lol

20-11-10, 20:11
MISHEL! thank you so much for writting that! i honestly thought i was the only one... my anxiety is the worst week before my period i am litterally a crazy lady... after my period i have no more panic attacks and my head goes back to normal... ive had my hormones checked and apprently they are all fine... so i dont kno what it is!?

20-11-10, 20:18
it could be um pms.... PMDD!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premenstrual_dysphoric_disorder

it's like PMS but the symptoms are much worse, either the pill or antidepressants are the usual treatment.

20-11-10, 20:37
I feel normal in the morning.. i usallay do breakfast normally.. in evening after 6 i start to get constant panic condition...

20-11-10, 20:47
There seems to be a pattern here. Panic attacks in the evening and nervousness in the morning. I wonder if there is something to that.