View Full Version : what has happened to me

20-11-10, 14:06
christ where do i start i havent been on here in a long while went really well and panic has been settling where i have had a life and i can go out.

so what happened to me well 12 days ago i had my 4th child and its all went down hill, she is 12 days and i have left the house once im to scared to go out my front door and even drive my car,

as soon as i go out panic sets in u know heartrate starts and everything outside looks weird i know its anxiety but normall when i can push it away i cant this time it wont go untill panic hits and im a wreak,

im scared of everything im scared that if i do to much ill bleed more u know everyone says dont do to much well i took that as dont do nothing or u will bleed more getting to the point where im scared to move off the couch incase i bleed more my poor partner has to run around after me.

im also scared ill go out and ill faint i know its the old anxiety one midwife checked my blood pressure on her 10 days visit and all the time its 120/ 70 which is perfect, so why am i scared to go out incase i keel over.

so i have 3 fears the now in my head 1,scared to go out2,my bleeding and ill end up doing myself damage3,fainting.

so i am here for advice really to kick they anxiety out my head so i can take my little baby who is called brooke out and we can have a life.

i really need a good ass kicking lol

i know its anxiety but how do i fight it when its so strong the now.


20-11-10, 14:28
Dont try to fight it, theres no use in fighting against yourself. Congratulations on having your child, youve brought a truly blessed thing into the world. I know it can be unbearable to deal with that kind of panic but youve just got to remind yourself that youve been through it before. You said it was your 4th child so think back to your other children and remember that you made it thru then without passing out. You are going to be alright, youve just got to hang in there. you have people around you that love you and will care for you, so take as much as you can and let them help you with the rest.

20-11-10, 14:33
tks ur right i did make it through although i did join here after having my son 5 years ago as i had bad anxiety but i still went out and did things.

i so want to go out tescos is round the corner i could drive there but i keep thinking maybe i shouldnt be going out,

its amazing what ur head and panic can do to u,

tks for ur reply

20-11-10, 14:38
anytime. it really is shocking sometimes how far a panic attack can take you from what you know is right. i hope youre feeling a bit better :)