View Full Version : New to NMP

20-11-10, 14:06
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum but have been suffering on and off for about 3 years.
So glad I came across this site, reading some of your posts has already helped with reassurance that I'm not an actual mental!

I have been 'coping' on my own for a long time now and after a particularly bad spell decided it was time to consult my Doctor, she recommended CBT and I have been referred but unfortunately there is a waiting list in my area of over a year!
I also decided that I didn't want to go down the medication route, so I'm here for advice and alternative therapies. My Dr did prescribe diazepam but I told her of my worries about becoming a 'medicated zombie' and she told me to only take one if I felt I really needed one, Even though I could have very easily caved and taken one on several occasions I have choosen not to.

I believe my anxious thought processes are now just a habit and I'm hoping that with CBT I can kick the habit.

Anyway I'm probably posting all of this here when it should go somewhere else but I thought I should write a little of my background!

Thankyou for this wonderful site!

Nikki :)

20-11-10, 14:08
Hi mininikki

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-11-10, 18:46
hi im new too this site csn only help us!!! take care:welcome:

21-11-10, 18:52
hi and :welcome: to nmp

21-11-10, 19:27
Hi mininikki :welcome:. Maybe you could start reading some books about CBT while you wait? Or I've heard talking about being able to do it online as well. Have a look at the CBT section of the forum x

21-11-10, 23:25
Nikki welcome PLease consider the livinglifetothefull online version of CBT it is really good and is very similar to what my therapist is doing.

paula lynne
21-11-10, 23:29
Hi, a belated welcome to you from me x:welcome:

22-11-10, 12:23
welcome.. good luck in your recovery :)

23-11-10, 04:39
Hi mininikki :welcome:. Maybe you could start reading some books about CBT while you wait? Or I've heard talking about being able to do it online as well. Have a look at the CBT section of the forum x

Hi Jane thanks for the reply, A friend that suffers with depression gave me a book called 'Feeling Good - The New Mood Therapy' by David D. Burns M.D.
I have only started to read the first few pages but I think it may have some useful techniques, my trouble is that I sometimes have anxiety whilst reading self help books etc as I'm worried it will tell me something I don't want to know...I can't really find the words to explain exactly what I mean but even reading that back to myself sounds silly!

As for online CBT, I have researched it a little and mentioned it to my doctor but she said it isn't available in my area...this confused me a little as I thought the whole idea of it being online was that you could be anywhere but she informed me that for her to refer me it had to be available in my area, maybe it's something to do with the NHS paying for it?! who really knows!!

If anyone can recommend any good books I would be very grateful :)

23-11-10, 04:40
Nikki welcome PLease consider the livinglifetothefull online version of CBT it is really good and is very similar to what my therapist is doing.

Thanks JJ, I will check it out :)