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20-11-10, 20:16
You can find inspiration all over the place for fighting HA

it's a bit of a corny film, but has anyone seen 'Dragon - the Bruce Lee story'

Before all the ladies start groaning, it's worth seeing as all through his life he literally has to keep fighting 'demons.' In the movie, they are like ghosts that come out of walls and attack him, but of course, they are mental demons. He keeps fighting them and eventually wins

I'm trying to see my panicky thoughts and obsessions as Demons, and I'm going to keep fighting them. That is a model that inspires me

I think we all need role models and inspirational figures like this

(ironically poor old Bruce died young, but I bet he never wasted time obsessing about stuff he couldn't control, and his life was so amazing it didn't matter)

20-11-10, 21:43
Very good post - I was going to post on the thread below about fearing death, as I thought your post was spot on. I so fight my fear every day, and mostly I am winning...I did give it a name 'George'

anyway I like your outlook :)

21-11-10, 18:32
ha ha ha. Yes that's a great idea! I wish I could follow my own advice sometimes

but I am going easy on myself, taking it one day at a time