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View Full Version : crazy neuro symptoms

21-11-10, 00:25
I am a 40 yr old male, in decent shape with GERD, IBS and HA. I have, over time, convinced myself of having just about everything. Right now I am worried about various neuro symptoms. I have been have what I feel is weakness in my legs, aches and pains all over in muscles, wierd sensations of coldness all over my body but especially in my lower back and upper legs and finally I swear my forearms look thinner than they should. I had full blood work about 2 months ago but I am very worried about these symptoms. I have had twitches for years but my leg muscles seem to tremor under not a lot of effort. I swim laps several times a week and feel really stiff when I start but actually feel better once I get a few hundred yards into it. My legs haven't given out on me but I feel uneasy and even a little dizzy sometimes. Anyway, I am really worried, I am not on meds and I can't afford a doctor's visit. If anyone can help with some kinds words, I would really appreciate it. Thanks to you all and God bless.


21-11-10, 03:22
Sounds like anxiety to me..The swimming or some other exercise or exertion is causing you aches and pains of a 40 year old.. I think I would just relax.. Twitches .. oh man I could tell you some stories...we all get them and the cold sensations all normal.. Like I said just try to relax and don't worry .. I think you will be fine.. Take care.Michael

21-11-10, 11:51
I have EVERY single symptom uve listed...every single day.. :(

I too worry about neuro symptoms and have just been refered to a neurologist, but appt isnt until february :(

have u had a neuro referral??

I posted a topic called 'muscle weakness' on here a couple of days ago, and one of the administrators and another user called 'baileys' really helped me. i now am 90% sure its just anxiety, after a couple of things they said. I have all ur symptoms and loads more, when im busy its not noticeable which is what is telling me thats its not neurological, more like pyschological!! severe stress and depression too..

i just wanna hurry up and see this neurologist so i can start living my life. i have lymph nodes up in my groin and neck, which have been there for 7 weeks, so im more edsging towards cancer right now lol.

Find that thread and read it, they did make me see sense alot more.

Take care :)

21-11-10, 11:53
oh and its my forearms, legs and hands that go really weak allllllllll the time, sometimes one of them, or both, its always diffrent, but mostly my right hand and right arm. funny that as im right handed lol.