View Full Version : brain tumor worry? :(

21-11-10, 01:39
so yes im back again, worrying about something different this time.
i've been really scared my dad's brain tumor is a herediatory condition as his mum and dad had one and then my dad did, i've been told its unlikely to be heredatory but i am really worried :( now whenever i get a headache i'm convinced its a brain tumor, it's jsut a random worry thats occured tonight, i was thinking about my dad, then it went onto his brain tumor, then i remembered his mum and dad (my dad was adopted, though i still worry...) died of a brain tumor like my dad did so i'm really scared.
whats the chances of this being heredatory?

21-11-10, 03:19
Im not 100 percent positive but im pretty sure that brain tumor isn't hereditary.. I used to think that I was immune to heart disease and problems of the circulatory system but I have been doing some reading about hereditary and its not 100 percent.. Just because my parents lived long and my grandparents lived long doesn't mean im going to live long..

Believe me there are many diseases you can get from your family but its a long shot that you would.I feel pretty safe in saying that you probably won't get a tumor.. I think tumors have to do with exposure to things that induce tumors. I don't think they are just random things that genetics passes over and I could be wrong.. But If you are adopted I wouldn't worry so much. I hope you feel better.I worry about things like that too when im not worrying about the way my heart feels ,sounds, etc. and pain in my stomach and legs and breathing etc etc etc.. So if you are just worrying about the tumor at least you aren't worrying about other things. Hope you feel better. Michael

21-11-10, 03:33
thanks looking4answers,
my dad also had serious heart problems too, not sure if that was from his real mum and dad or not as he never met them properly as like i said he was adopted and was raised by his aunt and uncle who he classed as his mum and dad.
i don't know why im so worried when i know my dad was adopted anyway, but it just made me think it could be genetic and my brain has just gone into over drive since then.
but like you i obsess over different parts of my body and illnesses, my last obsession was lymphoma which i overcame, then cervical cancer for a day or so, and now im onto obsessing about brain tumours instead and checking parts of my body for anything abnormal

21-11-10, 05:04
:-) yep that would be me too.. at the moment obsessing about well a private parts issue..and well my all time worry hearing my heartbeat and feeling it all day and night.. and then there is breathing and the list goes on and on.. So at least you are with good company. I hope you feel better soon. Michael

21-11-10, 22:05
i obsess over heart issues too a while back my boyfriend was like "your heartbeats really fast" and ever since i've been really worried, but its not my main one, my main ones have always been lymphoma and brain tumor. xx