View Full Version : Terrible night

21-11-10, 09:50
Well after my skipping beats while I was trying to clean the house yesterday I am now frightened of doing any housework and am scared to go back into that room.

I woke in the middle of the night fit no apparent reason and struggled to get back to sleep.

Then after that I kept getting what j can only describe as an awful warm feeling coming over me every time I tried to drop off. Is that my heart stoping or what is it?

I'm a complete state again today.

I woke up and my heart was thumping. It was only about 90 at the most but I was aware of it as soon as I woke up and couldn't seem to calm it down. I'm starting to worry about AF again.

My dr always said to me panic was harmless and had no long term affect in the heart as this is something that worried me, but I read something someone had posted on here that suggested athe majority of panic sufferers would develop AF in their future and would have damaged hearts. Cant stop thinking about that now.

Also on my mind is that someone at work's relative died suddenly and it trona bad virus they'd had that had damaged their heart. I'm worried that this is going to happen to me now as I have had such a bad spell of illnesses lately.

21-11-10, 13:17
You sound like me when I am in panic mode as I call it. Remember the ectopics are harmless and everyone gets them its just that people who aren't anxious usually don't notice them and anxiuus people not only notice them but get them huge amount more the two things go together.

I understand you fears - like not going into the room where you felt bad - I had vertigo attack in a supermarket about 10 yrs ago and it took me 6 onths to be able to go into any large shop and I was a wreck when I did terrified I would have another one. I worried that I would become agrophobic as I was so scared of feeling ill while outside.

Atrial fibrillation is predominantly a disorder of old people - in fact huge numbers of old people have it and has nothihg to do wtih having a fast heartbeat earlier in life. My father in law had low blood pressure and perfect pulse rate but at 70 he developed Af . He was fine as long as he took his medication.

The warm feeling when trying to fall asleep sounds like same spectrum of symptoms that I am having - I feel as if my head has fallen through the pillow for a second and I have also had the rush of heat and tingle down body in the time when you are drifting off to sleep. I was told on here its a sign of anxiety and tense neck muscles.