View Full Version : does any1 feel panic like this?

21-11-10, 16:38
i have noticed today since i had a thought... the thought was 'i really hope i dont get anxious' next thing my head starts to feel tight and i cant think straight my neck starts to feel tight too. it dont really hurt its like a niggle in my brain which feels odd and not nice...then i start to feel anxious is this how anyone eles feels? xx

21-11-10, 16:45
Lol hun if you think "I hope I don't get anxious today" then you are going to become anxious well I do anyway. X

21-11-10, 16:48
yer i know but it was too late if u know what i mean the thought crossed b4 i could think about it! now my head is mashed!

21-11-10, 16:53
I know same happens to me I think that all time then bam I'm anxious x

21-11-10, 16:56
I feel like that, it's like a tight band around my head.
awww yeah thinking i hope i don't get anxious is pretty much gonna make you anxious.
see your brain can't process that sentence without imagining you being anxious.
a better thought is to think i hope i can stay calm :-)

21-11-10, 16:59
its the head thing that scares me most coz i cant think straight and can feel all the muscles around my face and stuff... the only way i can get rid of it is by sleepin! any1 have any tips to ease it? xx

24-11-10, 21:34
I get a funny feeling in my head (I think I'm having a stroke) as well when I panic, I also worry about having panic attacks everyday and sure enough, I have panic attacks everyday.

25-11-10, 17:09
I always find that when I say this to myself i feel anxious straight away. When I said this to my therapist she said it's anticipatory anxiety, worrying about worrying which can bring anxiety on.
