View Full Version : upset / nervous / anxious stomach

21-11-10, 18:51
my main sympton i suffer with is nervous tight stomach feeling and then for that whole day i just cant face eating as my stomach just feels horrible i will nibble on a piece of toast or few biscuits but nothing more..

does anyone no how to settle your tight / nervous feelings and be able to eat ??

21-11-10, 19:24
have you tried tenceing it then relaxing it works for me

21-11-10, 19:44
how about drinking chamomile tea which is good for anxiety and also has a natural painkilling effect. Use honey to sweeten if you need it.
Hot baths can help to ease muscle tension and it's even better if you put some lavender essential oil or a 'relax' type bubble bath.
Ginger is supposed to be an appetite stimulator so try some ginger tea too (about one CM bit of fresh ginger root cut up into little pieces then pour over boiling water with a bit of honey to sweeten if needed.
Hope you feel better soon

21-11-10, 19:48
Vicky that is actually scary - I'm about to have a bath and a camomile tea and I had no idea you wrote that. LOL! Thats good advice dudes. Try to eat as much as possible of the things you like too honeyp1e.

21-11-10, 20:10
I do have some ginger biscuits or arrowroot biscuits4i just hate the thought of eating when my stomach feels so tight ..

what is a nervous stomach and how do we get it ?

21-11-10, 23:50
I get this a lot, and can also get long spells of it. I get IBS as well which probably doesn't help either, as getting the IBS symptoms stresses me out and of course, that just makes my stomach worse.

22-11-10, 00:25
do you find anything that settles it x

22-11-10, 09:17
Not sure really. If I get really locked into it, as I seem to be at the moment, it's almost impossible to calm it down. However, if I'm really distracted by something else, then it does seem to help - but if you're very focussed on something it's hard to distract yourself!!

22-11-10, 16:55
thats my problem i focus on it to much then am also locked like now i have had it for two days running and i just cant hardly eat just had a few biscuits n one toast this morning just cant seem to ignore it but i think am due my period as i usually go bad with anxiety around the time of pmt time every month :( i just wish i could be able to do or have something just to get the feeling gone its just like someone is squeezing my stomach so hard... i wanna cry but as u say if we find something to do then we can usually forget about the feelings x