View Full Version : Hit my head now I'm really nauseous.

21-11-10, 20:17
Hi all,

I was doing a lot better recently and then yesterday I bent over to get something that fell behind my bed and I hit my head against the wall. I hit the front of my head over my right eye. My teeth kind of clashed together but I didn't lose consciousness. My head was sore and I became really focused on it. I went out that evening and I started feeling nauseous and dizzy. I started reading about brain bleeds and concussions. I came home early and I was terrified to go to sleep. I went to bed around 2am, and I woke up around 4:30am with terrible heart burn/acid reflux. I went back to sleep and woke up around 8:30am and still felt not that great. My head felt better though. I got up and started cleaning and I made myself a cup of tea and then I started to feel sick again and my head started to hurt again over the side I hit. I'm really worried I'm going to drop dead even though I hit my head about 12 hours ago. I know the dizzyness/acid reflux/nausea/headache are all anxiety symptoms and I am feeling very anxious today (chest pain, etc.) But they're all also symptoms of something much more serious.

What should I do?? :S Should I be worried?

21-11-10, 20:22
By the way, I've hit my head plenty of times before. Slipping on ice, falling off horses, falling off horses while not wearing a helmet... been to the dr for a mild concussion before (saw stars.) I didn't hit my head that hard last night... I just didn't have an anxiety disorder all the other times I hit my head :).

21-11-10, 23:06
No you shouldn't worry.

Make yourself another cup of tea, pull up a chair, sit down and watch the tv and try to forget about it.

paula lynne
21-11-10, 23:14
As a neuro nurse, any sickness/dizzyness/loss of balance after a head injury should always be investigated.

I dont want to alarm you ok, Im sure you are fine. The problem is with anxiety, we start blaming anxiety for everything we feel. In this case, I would advise you to get it checked out. You will be fine Im sure, best to get it checked out though in my opinion x

21-11-10, 23:29

Yes of course "paula lynne" you are quite correct by saying best to get it checked, even if nothing is wrong. My initial reply was based on the analysis of a lot of anxiety coming across in the posting which may make things seem worse than they really are.

I would always recommend visiting health professionals. After all, they are the experts.

paula lynne
21-11-10, 23:32
I agree with you, the anxiety is clear, and, understandibly. Its hard with anxiety to distinguish whats real, whats imagined.....a check is best though with head trauma as you say.