View Full Version : gurgurling noises !!!!

21-11-10, 20:56
hi i know this going to sound weird but my whole insides are gurguling like in my lower stomach it started abut ten minutes ago and hasnt stopped its starting to make me panic cause i have polycycstic ovaries................. does anybody know what it will be its not like a hunger growl feelslike its more in my ovaries :blush:

21-11-10, 21:31
will some reply please im really worried:weep:

21-11-10, 21:34
Sounds like wind to me

21-11-10, 22:08
Sounds like wind ..definately not your ovaries .Are you constipated by any chance ? hope you dont mind me asking .Maybe you didnt chew your food properly this will be harder to digest and anxiety affects your digestive process too ..Walk about a bit it might get it moving ,,You will be ok tommorow .sue x

21-11-10, 22:14
hi sue no im not costipated but its makin me feel really sick but i think thats down to the anxiety....well i hope its making me feel really panicky and dizzy.....i feel like im on a boat :winks: just wish it would go away i was getting them the other day but they were coming from chest sounded like it was in my right boob i hate feeling like this x :blush:

21-11-10, 22:47
Yes that does seem to be the main issue here i think .Have you had your ears checked by the Dr by any chance .It could be a inner ear problem .The gurgling is definately wind ,when your anxious you can gulp in air somtimes and swallow it This combined with an anxious digstive sysem will cause probs .Ginger is good for sickness ,the chrystalised stuff from the health food shops is good .I would ask DR to check your ears out to be sure tho .Wont be anything serious if at all .Sue x

21-11-10, 22:47
have you drank a fizzy drink? or ate food or are hungry?
believe me my tummy can make some crazy noises lol
if its wind try walking around or sometimes if you press on your tummy you'll sort of be able to feel the wind.