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View Full Version : not feeling very well

21-11-10, 22:01
The past week i have been really tired well always tired as not sleeping much, but now im feeling the effects of it. My stomachs been hurting feel sick but wont let myself be sick, now have really bad ear ache and my shoulder hurts.

I cant be ill havent got time to be ill so much to do, panicing im not gonna get it done, essays to finish work to do...

Im really fed up with me, life evrything really and dont know what to do. Im scared, lonely and just had enough...

Wish i had energy am so exhausted..

oh well never mind just stupid old me...

21-11-10, 22:03
Your not stupid hun you sound run down I'm always here for you to talk to. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

21-11-10, 22:08
Hi ljd,

sorry your not feeling too good, hope you feel better soon, take it easy, do not over do it. keep posting on here, there are lots of lovely people here who will give you support. You are not stupid, we all at times over do it. try not to over do it.:hugs:


21-11-10, 22:14
Hi sammi and yvonne thanks for the messages just feeling rubbish at the moment and have too much on, maybe i should just give up, i dont know had enough of working, studying, me, life and being run down adds to it...

21-11-10, 22:29
Sorry you feel so bad please don't give up you can get through this :) xxx

21-11-10, 22:32
Hi ljd,

Dont give up, take things a bit slower, maybe you may need to cut something out, would need to think about it, what was the last thing you took on, whatever you took on last is the first thing to stop doing, you can always go back to it when you have more time to do it.

think about what you want to do, write it down on a piece of paper, writing down the pro's and cons,or the positives on the left side of the paper and the negatives on the right side, if you have more negatives then it's time to stop doing that. if more positives then that's one you keep doing, though at a slower pace.

take your time. have a rest and think things through. it's not easy, and it's easier says than done. keep posting here and let us know how things are going, we are here to help and support you.


21-11-10, 22:38
You sound a little run down...are you taking a multi vitamen and some fish oil every day? Do think it helps a little. x

21-11-10, 22:50
Thanks all for your replies i ma taking loads of supplements but think im o run down they arnt working. I dunno what to do but will just plod through for now as you do, until i can take a break as have so much to do cant stop now!!

21-11-10, 23:01
Thanks all for your replies i ma taking loads of supplements but think im o run down they arnt working. I dunno what to do but will just plod through for now as you do, until i can take a break as have so much to do cant stop now!!

Hi ljd,

your welcome, keep posting here let us know how you are doing, we will give you support, be here for you. take one day at a time, do things a bit slower. Maybe you could go and see your GP.

Yvonne :hugs:

21-11-10, 23:38
thanks yvonne and everyone for the support just feeling a bit rubbish rubish just now doubting myself again!!